Aircraft Container Manager


Charter Member
where can i get this software, as it would be very handy when doing new paint schemes?

Edit: Posting deleted.

Just found out that I've linked to an obviously cracked version of this former payware(?).
Sorry about that!
Stomp software piracy!

Seems to me like this program is abandoned with no legal copies available any longer...

. . . .and even if you do have a copy, it no longer works with the newer OS (64bit).:salute:
I do have an old copy, payware, and it is no longer supported. I've tried to get a hold of the author to get mine updated, he is no where to be found.
I believe he is actually still around, and is making one that beats the old version by far, and it will work with FSX.


It can be found on Web archives, like here,

This is the full download, but will only work in demo/limited version until you purchase a key code to unlock it. I think the demo version was still pretty handy as a reference tool, think it was save disabled or something, been a very long time. Being as this is the archive of the original site and only allows the demo to be downloaded should be legit enough, no?

Unfortunately you cannot seem to purchase a code to unlock, it is an archive site after all.
