I managed to get the old proggy working in demo mode with the help of the thee .bpl files. As the new version will be freeware, How do I get a key for this older version??
Has anybody figured out how to use ACM on 64 bit systems like Win 8.1? So far as I can tell it isn't
I'm using AirWrench right now but would love the opportunity to be able to buy and use ACM. My recollection
places it much quicker and easier. Too bad technology has forced it out.
I do have an old computer with Windows ME that could run ACM if I could get a copy.
Does anybody want to sell me their fully functioning copy of ACM ? I'm interested.
Dear TARPSBird - I'd like to take you up on your offer but can;t seem to get the PM
button to work. My email address is: "agerton1 (at) flash (dot )net". I can get PM to work
to receive - just cannot send.
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