Aircraft creeping forward when they should at stand still

ian elliot

I have a few aircraft that will creep forward when the parking brake is released even though the throttle is at 0, the biggest offender is the freeware Alpha C-130 which thinks its a grayhound, is there anything i can tweak in the cfg. anyone have any ideas,
cheers ian
In FS2002, there was a tweak that would allow lower throttle settings on all aircraft, but I don't think that's possible with FS9. For t-props, just simulate what they do in real life. Hit Ctrl+F1 to feather the props and leave the power levers at ground idle until you're ready to taxi.
With Turboprops, FS will set them up in take-off mode, which is difficult and overpowered for taxiing.

Simply move the red 'Conditions' lever (on Turboprops, similar to Mixture control lever), and move that to the taxi-idle position, which is usually half way 'back' or out. When at the apron, bring back to full for take-off and flight mode, (when in flight, the Turboprops should always be in full Condition mode).

You'll find that taxiing is much easier, and she will sit still when needed when in 'ground' mode.

I have learned something today about turboprops. I do not claim to be a pilot in the "real" world, but after gaining this new insight about these planes in FS, I may be less timid to put a few sim hours on them. Thanks, guys.:applause: