Aircraft folder....the one where the FS9 config file is stored


Retired SOH Admin
Aircraft folder....the one where the FS9 config file is stored

You all know that aircraft folder that is in the Documents and Settings, Application Data, Microsoft, FS9 area...the place were the FS9 config is stored. Mine is full of planes that I no longer have installed....most of which will not be reinstalled. Can I dump all the folders in that Aircraft folder and allow my sims to refresh it with just the planes that I do have installed? I know that I will lose any accumulated recorded hours in the planes...but I have never really bothered to look at those numbers anyhow.


First of all I will use the word "CAUTION" :)
But .. I made exactly time ago the same and I had no problems
For avoid any angry toward myself .. please make a backup of the files you want erase .. :)
Yes you can dump any or all of the contained aircafts within the Aircraft folder. As a matter of fact, you can drag the entire Aircraft folder into the trash and the next time you start FS the folder and all your current aircrafts will be rebuilt, minus the engine times.
I dumped mine once several years ago, but of course it's since rebuilt itself. Right now there 473 aircraft subfolders taking up a whopping 12.8KB! Funny thing is that most of the subfolders are empty - there's only 143 state.cfg files in there.

The folder doesn't really take up much room, so if you don't care about engine hours, you won't do any harm by dumping it.
I very rarely look at the it's not a big deal...but for that off chance that I get curious about how many hours I have in such or such plane, having just the planes that I have installed and fly listed in the folder will make it easier to find the plane I want to look up. I currently have maybe 30 planes installed....but there are over 1000 folders in the Aircraft folder...I used to download and check out every plane possible...but now I just install the planes that I actually point in having 5 747s when I hardly ever fly the stock one even. No point in having a Mig 25 installed when I'm not really all that into jets.
