Aircraft ground shadow?


Charter Member 2015
I "fly" a c-130 FSX Feeware aircraft in P3d 3.2 . It flies very well BUT there is NO aircraft ground shadow.......:banghead:

Is it possible to add some? if yes how?
Thanks in advance.
Ground shadows are activated in your setup screen. . . ."Cast Shadows". . . ."Receive Shadows". You have to check what objects apply!
Yes, I think it's all about activating the cast and receive options for the "simobject" line, if I'm not mistaken.
Ground shadows are activated in your setup screen. . . ."Cast Shadows". . . ."Receive Shadows". You have to check what objects apply!

Actually, I just noticed I have the same problem. See my settings below, which should yield shadows on both the inside and outside of the aircraft. Instead I get nothing. I am wondering if this is related to this latest Nvidia driver because I used to have shadows and I have only ever used P3D 3.2.3. I'm a relatively new convert from FSX. ( update FYI: just tried installing an older Nvidia driver, 364.72, and still have same issue?)

Ow... yes, there is something wrong there.
Thanks for the screenshots which clarify the settings and illustrate the issue quite precisely.
Just to clarify, I'm using V3.2.2, NVidia GTX 650 Ti, 2Gig, Driver Ver. 365.10. I have no problems with shadowing either inside or outside of the airplane. Also, my lighting section is actually set exactly like "ejoiner" with the exception of the "Dynamic Reflections", I have that unchecked.
Just to clarify, I'm using V3.2.2, NVidia GTX 650 Ti, 2Gig, Driver Ver. 365.10. I have no problems with shadowing either inside or outside of the airplane. Also, my lighting section is actually set exactly like "ejoiner" with the exception of the "Dynamic Reflections", I have that unchecked.

Odd. I might try that 365.10 driver, but also posted this on the site. Lets see what LM says. I am also downloading the new 3.3.3 version. So this may resolve itself.

Edit: Falcon it just occurred to me, are you using any 3rd party shaders? I am using the pe11e shaders and I am wondering if this is a contributing factor?
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