aircraft installation help needed


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Hey all,
ive been building my P3Dv3 install.i dont get whats happening here,all ive done so far is Carenado and Alabeo planes,the C90,C337,and the Beech D17 staggerwing are in the sim objects files,but dont show in the do i put a copy of fsx.exe into P3Dv3 without having to load FSX up..i have it,but really dont want to load it.
Also,there is a beaver in the simobjeects,is it IA only?..or why doesnt it show?
Hi Dave,
Yes I think the Beaver is ai, there are quite a few ai aircraft in the Aircraft folder, Tornado and TU95 Bear for example, although I've never actually seen them flying in the sim!
To make a FSX exe all you need to do is open Notepad and then save it as "fsx.exe" and then place it inside your main Prepar3D folder. Be warned, the fsx.exe file can upset some addons, I think (if my memory serves me correctly, there are no guarantees of that:biggrin-new: ) TacPack maybe one of those, in which case you will need to remove your fsx.exe.
I personally have a "ghost" copy of FSX installed on my machine for the purpose of installing FSX products, I simply install into FSX and then cut or copy the aircraft into P3D. I also copy the Gauges, Effects & sound folder from FSX but tell it not to overwrite anything. I hope that helps.

I also made a fake FSX folder, put my original fsx.exe in there along with the cfg files and used a tool FSX TWEAKFS REGISTRY UTILITY V1.21 to set the registry entries and paths. When I install an fsx only add-on, it is installed in that folder and I immediately see where files have been copied - cut the folders out and move them over to P3D. That worked for me so far on stubborn addon installations.

When something does not show up in P3D usually something vital is missing (gauges!). Some aircraft use a proprietary configuration folder in the P3D root (like A2A, Milviz, CS...) and if that is missing the AC either does not work or weird things happen.

well i have no clue of how to make the ghosrt fsx,lol,and the planes ive installed all had d3d installers,so id think thy would work?...i have a drs appt this morning,but ill work at it later.
Have a look in the aircraft.cfg folder and see if there is an entry Category=airplane. Some older aircraft don’t have it and then will not show up.