Aircraft Low Altitude Performance ?



I know WM is working on a fix for the high altitude performance issues. Is the odd low altitude performance of aircraft also being looked at ? By low altitude I mean ground level basically ... skimming the tree tops and hedges and up to 500 feet.

I recall someone raising the issue of the strange N11 performance at low altitude where they "rollercoaster" up and down when in combat mode without seemingly achieving much. Some just stall out and crash. DII's can exhibit the same behaviour. After their initial aggressive attack (on moi for instance) they settle into a less threatening rollercoaster mode stalling often and only just pulling out before they hit the dirt. Some just take the dirtnap option without apparent complaint.

When I look around I see rollercoasters rather than aggressive dogfighting. It's like the code is telling them to "gain height quickly you're too low" and then "flatten out you're gonna stall" followed by "gain height or you'll crash" etc etc resulting in the yoyo effect.

I hasten to add these particular observations occured in QC but it does happen in Campaign. Any one else ?

Another thing .... when the AI is flying well (at height) they're aerobatic abilities far outshine mine (when in the same aircraft) .... for instance being able to perform multiple rolls easily without losing much height or downward spiral turns at great speed without suffering apparent structural damage.

My apologies if these issues have been raised before. I'm unable to spend as much time here as I would like these days.
I haven't played very much in the early part of the war, but the more powerful late war aircraft do not seem to do this "rollercoaster". Spads, DVIIs, DVas, Camels, I have seen them dogfight quite adeptly at low altitude.
High altitude performance is something entirely different and nothing to do with AI.

I have addressed a lot of that with revised FMs and we are testing... but the problem you describe is more to do with "how AI behave near the ground with low power craft". Yes they are avoiding the ground (a good idea generally).

Low power craft have always suffered more, and in P3 the low level AI behaviour with low powered WW1 craft, is massively improved in many areas, from take off, forming up, etc (much of which you never notice because it's really good now for just about all of the craft :)).

However the issue that has been reported with the N11 I have addressed.

Tricky this stuff we are trying to make everything perfect, but the AI and low power does take a fair bit of effort, we also have to balance everything, and very shortly I will shoot myself, again, as it drives me nuts balancing everything and testing twitch testing, as you can probably tell!
.... very shortly I will shoot myself, again, as it drives me nuts balancing everything and testing twitch testing, as you can probably tell!

Noooooo ! Don't do it Pol. You'll very likely miss with all that twitching and hit the cat .... again (they never do learn ;)).
I'm one of the ones who mentioned the "rollercoaster" effect, and it does appear in campaign. That it is about low power craft at low altitude makes perfect sense to me now that I hear the explanation. I've been flying the N11s and it's my flight that does it. Come to think of it, I've noticed it in enemy DIIs as well as I've been shooting them down. It makes them much easier to shoot down, so I don't mind it as much in them. :-}

Glad to hear Pol has been working on this (in between twitchings).

I think I need to check out some action from later in the war. I've been flying mostly in 1915, early 1916 so far. There's just so much to do in this sim! But I hear the Camel calling to me.

By the way, I don't remember who mentioned the Osprey series of books (Gimpy?), but I got the Pup book yesterday and it's a beaut. What a great resource.

Finally, many of you probably know, but I found a couple of gunnery manuals over on the BoB2 site. They are about WWII craft, of course, but the principles are the same and they are a great resource as well.
Come to think of it, I've noticed it in enemy DIIs as well as I've been shooting them down. It makes them much easier to shoot down, so I don't mind it as much in them. :-}

Likewise, which is why I thought it a little odd. I can understand the underpowered N11's but DII's weren't that underpowered were they ? I agree it's easier to shoot them down but I'd rather have a more difficult immersive time of it if possible. To be brutally honest following yoyo-ing planes around becomes very boring very quickly.

But, having said that, there are so many other facets to P3 that make it remarkable. So all in good time. No pressure right Pol :d
Likewise, which is why I thought it a little odd. I can understand the underpowered N11's but DII's weren't that underpowered were they ?

Double the hp but also almost double the weight as the N11's so the power to weight ratio would be quite similar (that nasty 2nd machine gun playing a key role here, I believe).
Np catch lol. yeah we keep missing with the revolver (WM lent me his).
DII is more difficult to fix, it's somewhat better now at least.
Yeah not fair me hogging it, will return it WM with the firing pin and several rounds

RexH may want to borrow it next, and the team are forming a queue.