I sure you guys have, like me, an extensive list of available aircraft to fly in our virtual hangars. Choosing a particular one can be a bit of a headache as not all the aircraft of a certain type are listed together. For instance when I want to fly a mossie I have listings of different types over three pages, or three clicks of the green down arrow (I'm waffling now... finding it hard to type want I want to say...lol.. bear with me on this). Is there any way of changing the name so all the mossies are grouped together when you want to chose from the list in game but it doesn't effect the xdp/mos/air etc files ?
Phew... I'll post a screenie in a tick to try and make sense of that ramble :isadizzy:
Phew... I'll post a screenie in a tick to try and make sense of that ramble :isadizzy: