Aircraft Position


Charter Member
I downloaded an aircraft (HU-16) to CFS3 and when displayed it starts about 2 feet in the air then drops to the ground. Where do I fix the problem? Thanks, gibbrown!
Using Notepad, open the aircraft.cfg in the aircraft's folder and find the line that says

static_cg_height = some value

Whatever some value is, reduce it by 2 and save the file. Delete the file in the aircraft's folder with the .bdp extension (CFS3 will make a new one by itself). Then fire up the sim: the aircraft will load 2 feet lower than before. Adjust to taste!

Hope this helps.
In the aircraft folder find and open the aircraft.cfg file with notepad, you have to look for a line called Static_cg_height=xxx.
Lower the value until you are satisfied with the height on start-up. Dont forget to cancel the bdp file every btime you make a change it will re-initiate by itself.
Thanks for the reply and your solution fixed the problem.

Now if I can just get the paint fixed properly I will be able to offer the Coast Guard HU-16E "Albatross" known affectionately as "The Goat" to my fellow CG aviators.

Thanks again and Best Regards,
