Aircraft start-up mystery....


Here's one for all the technical gurus in the group...

I recently purchased the Golden Age Simulations Boeing Model 40. It is a beautifully done aircraft, and I highly recommend it. :jump:

The only thing I've encountered is a problem with starting the engine. Keep in mind that my default flight is a cold start with the JF Mosquito at my local airfield.

When I open FS9, I typically just changed the default aircraft to whatever I have installed for the moment. In this case when I select the Model 40 and start my flight, the aircraft engine will not start - either with the hotkey [Ctrl-E] or with proper manual steps per the checklist. In order to start I have to reload the aircraft with a hotkey [Ctrl-R], and everything is fine. :kilroy:

Interesting enough, I took another approach and had no problem. This morning I opened FS9 and loaded my default flight, THEN switched aircraft to the Model 40 - and there was no problem. I assume that when I followed that process the aircraft fully loaded.

At the moment I'm puzzled. It's almost as if something, a gauge or xml file, is not loading 100%. Any ideas or suggestions on what to look for?? :isadizzy:

Thanks in advance..

My guess is that it's something strange in your current default flight file. The *.flt files contain all sorts of parameters that you might not expect, many of which are relative to the aircraft used when generating the file. This is probably one of the biggest reasons to use default aircraft in your default flight. It helps to avoid things like that.
Thanks Tom. I tried that and still the same results. Whenever I select the aircraft or even save it as a default flight with a cold start, I have to reload the aircraft in order to start it. Weird. I even tried changing the weather from Real Time to static to see if that affected the loading. It didn't.

Open your fs9.cfg and find the line that starts with "situation=" - it will have the full path to your default flight. Erase everything after the "=" and restart the Sim. It will revert back to the stock C172 with engines running, fair weather, at KSEA 34R. Move to your preferred parking spot/airfield, Pull back the mixture lever, turn off the instruments, alternator, lights, mags, and battery. Save that as your default flight, then see if that helps your original issue.