Airfield lights tempremental in showing up!


With my ETO modified install with TOW night eras, all airfield lights sometime decide not to show up regardless of which airfield. Now i have Shaders30 and adapted Shanders30 and d3d8.cfg for night time TOW eras. However even using the regular ETO eras at night, I have disappearing lights/ Interestingly searchlights are still there. Any experts with ideas on this know my email!:wavey:
To be more specific, it seems lights like "runway_light","runway_light_yellow", and "runway_light_red" always seem to show up, while "runway_light_d", "tow_approach_light1", "runway_light_r", and "tow_taxiway_light" sometimes show up. ALL have showed up at various times but then 'disappear' as I test various airfield light missions one after another.
Still issues with this. Some fixes have involved the following actions.:dizzy:

1. If I keep a set of the airfield lights out side without the bdp's and then if the lights disappear, I delete the vehicles in the install and inset the ones from outside, they work again.

2. Sometimes that doesn't do the trick if for instance I have one airbase type without lights and then maybe run a spawn with the enemy as player, then none of the airbases lights work.

3. So re #2, if I switch the airbase facility to a version with lights and repeat #1, they all work again!:pop4:
Sounds like a duplicate filename problem. The game's propensity to look in every folder and randomly pick out one or the other of any files with the same name has caused me many hours lost to diagnosing problems that come and go.

Try a windows search at the top level of CFS3 to see how many places hold the files for your lights.
Had a search from C:\Combat Flight ETO TOWplus\ and didn't see any duplicate folders or files; sad to say.
So why should adding a missions with one of the 2 facilities in another mission otherwise the same result in all the airfield/approach lights in the install not work? If I just remove that mission, everything is back to normal.:dizzy:

Original 2 Facility mission.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Combat Flight Sim mission-->
<Params Version="3.0" Directive="nothing" Country="Germany" Aircraft="gc_bf110g4r3fm" Airbase="etas50" Date="6/6/1943" Time="02:00" Multiplayer="y" MultiplayerOnly="n"/>
<Title>approach lights test</Title>
<SubTitle>approach lights test</SubTitle>
<AirFormation ID="6000" Directive="nothing" Country="Germany" Skill="1" FormType="fingertip">
<Unit ID="9721" Type="gc_bf110g4r3fm" IsPlayer="y" Skill="1"/>
<Route ID="5000">
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="106.49" IsWarpable="n" Lat="N51*9'13.7896"" Lon="E6*15'7.5862"" Alt="304.80"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="106.49" IsWarpable="n" Lat="N51*8'47.0774"" Lon="E5*43'5.0945"" Alt="304.80"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="106.49" IsWarpable="n" Lat="N51*9'16.5236"" Lon="E6*14'16.5195"" Alt="304.80"/>
<Facility ID="9720" Type="tow_approach_light" Lat="N51*8'52.8226"" Lon="E5*50'31.8063"" heading="0" Country="Germany"/>
<Facility ID="9719" Type="airbase_dual_1_lights" Lat="N51*9'3.4130"" Lon="E6*3'5.9860"" heading="90" Country="Germany"/>

Altered 1 facility mission

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Combat Flight Sim mission-->
<Params Version="3.0" Directive="nothing" Country="Germany" Aircraft="gc_bf110g4r3fm" Airbase="etas50" Date="6/6/1943" Time="02:00" Multiplayer="y" MultiplayerOnly="n"/>
<Title>approach lights test_2</Title>
<SubTitle>approach lights test_2</SubTitle>
<AirFormation ID="6000" Directive="nothing" Country="Germany" Skill="1" FormType="fingertip">
<Unit ID="9720" Type="gc_bf110g4r3fm" IsPlayer="y" Skill="1"/>
<Route ID="5000">
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="106.49" IsWarpable="n" Lat="N50*57'6.7274"" Lon="E6*8'12.2752"" Alt="304.80"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="106.49" IsWarpable="n" Lat="N51*17'48.6954"" Lon="E6*7'48.3161"" Alt="304.80"/>
<Facility ID="9719" Type="airbase_dual_1_lights" Lat="N51*10'38.0900"" Lon="E6*7'56.6271"" heading="0" Country="Germany"/>
I also had an issue when trying to match up runway light facilities in a mission to airfield facilities in the global layer.
This only occurred in the southern Holland/northern Belgium region.
The runway light light facility would not overlay on the airfield but would be displaced nearby, as if the global facility was preventing the mission facility from occupying that same space.
Have you tried flying around your airfield and looking for the runway lights somewhere in the general area?
I'm not quite clear what you are trying to do. The faculties NactPiloten made for the basic airbases are just additions to already existing airbase facility files and as such have nothing to do iwith the gsl.
My issue were more to do with other matters which seem to be solved for the moment. I was in any case trying to make spawns of the lights separate from the airfields which would effect where the lights showed if not exactly correctly on the airbase. That issues is on the back burner at the moment!