Airplane Nerd


Jr. Admin
Staff member
Okay, I have this goofy fixation about taking pictures of airplanes whenever I travel. I know these types of photos are boring for the most part so you can humor me. They were taken at KDFW, John Wayne Airport (SNA), in Santa Ana, California and on approach to San Francisco.

I think I was making security nervous snapping away on the tarmac but no one approached me about it. Note the condensation on the window. The one shot sans plane is of Moffett NAS.
I think we all do that, Moses; I know I do!
Sometimes I even drive to Schiphol (EHAM; about 70 miles from here) just to take photos. Two years ago we were on holiday in Greece. Our hotel was very close to the airport so I could take photos of the aircraft overhead while lying in a deck chair at the swimming pool. :icon_lol: