Airplanes missing from Content Manager?


Hi, would someone please confirm this?
I've noticed there are two airplanes, the Daher TBM930 and the Cessna 152 (non-aerobat), which don't show in the Content Manager, this despite of the fact that both are in my hangar and in the Official folder, and both work fine.
Anyone notices this?
Thanks in advance, best regards.
Those two are part of the "required content" that can't be uninstalled. Some of the major patches have had an strange effect on users that used a non-default install location. When the major update ran, the users ended up with only those two planes. They then had to go back into their Content Manager to re-d/l the rest of the hangar.
Those two are part of the "required content" that can't be uninstalled. Some of the major patches have had an strange effect on users that used a non-default install location. When the major update ran, the users ended up with only those two planes. They then had to go back into their Content Manager to re-d/l the rest of the hangar.

I copied them to a backup folder. I then just copied them back to the Onestore folder. Worked!
Those two are part of the "required content" that can't be uninstalled. Some of the major patches have had an strange effect on users that used a non-default install location. When the major update ran, the users ended up with only those two planes. They then had to go back into their Content Manager to re-d/l the rest of the hangar.

Thanks Tom.
It's funny that some (in specific situations) end with only those two planes in the Content Manager, whereas I see all the planes there except those two :rolleyes:
Anyhow, if they're never to be uninstalled, their absence from the Content Manager makes sense, doesn't it?
I copied them to a backup folder. I then just copied them back to the Onestore folder. Worked!

I have the Steam version, so no Onestore folder here.
Anyhow, given what Tom said in a previous message, I think it's better not to have them in the Content Manager (just in case) ;)
I've never tried it, but I've read at the official board that if you delete anything that the content manager thinks is supposed to be installed (including "required" content), as soon as you restart the sim, it will go out and redownload that content. I could be wrong though...
The C152 and TBM are two of the best planes in the game.
Do you have any liveries installed for the planes?

Typically, Content Manager issues are caused by bad manifest.json files for liveries for the planes (usually a missing comma at the end of a section, or too many or too few apostrophes in the latest update sections).
Typically, planes missing from the Hangar are due to bad liveries.

Make sure your community folder is empty (move everything in it to another folder, you don't need to delete anything) and try again.

Asobo broke a bunch of stuff associated with liveries with the latest update. Texture files have been renamed (TBM I think), texture files have been combined into other files (747), the registration decal now shows up on planes where the panel.cfg hack used to work (Savage Cub).