Airport Editing


Charter Member
Is their a freeware program that can edit the taxi way signs. I have a great afcad file for my home airport, but the signs are in the wrong place. I already have the AFCAD program.

Mickey thanks for the program. Just wondering where the default BGL files are found in the flight sim. I'm working on my home airport, but the changes arent taking place, I restart the flight sim to make sure that it loads the changes. I know the changes are taking place because of the update to scenery file takes place.

Do NOT edit the default files! Create your own and place them in a folder like Addon Scenery/scenery. ADE will find the correct default airport automatically when you use File/Open Airport from Stock (as I remember).

Make sure you are adding the BGL file(s) to a scenery layer equal or higher than any addon scenery you have for the airport.

If you set your compile preferences to split the compile, make sure you are including the OBJ BGL file as well.

Hope this helps,
The default airports are contained in the fs9\scenery\... subfolders according to region. But removing one individual airport is virtually impossible without decompiling the bgl and then re-editing the base XML. Each airport bgl contains up to 100 or more individual airfields.
Thanks for all the tips! After some fiddling around with the program I found where you have to compile the new airport. I didn't realize how much time it can take to make small changes and see them in the flight sim.