Airport Name Change


Staff member
In the FS9 airport selection I would like to change the name of Marine Corps Air Station Miramar to reflect its previous ownership, i.e. Naval Air Station Miramar. In FS9 it's listed as "Miramar MCAS/Mitscher" with its formal name of Mitscher Field. This is a stock MS airport so I imagine the name is tucked away in a .bgl file somewhere. Can anybody tell me how to do this?
I no longer use AFCAD by Lee Swordy which is where I would think you could make that change. I know in AFX (FSX version of AFCAD) I can select the properties of the airport and change the name there. Your best bet is to download AFCAD 2.1 (if you don't already have it) from and use that. There may be a way of decompiling the AF2 file for that airport and also changing it that way, but I wouldn't have a clue how to tell you to go about doing that. I think installing AFCAD and loading that airport into the program will be the easiest.
Thank you guys for the AFCAD recommendation. I opened up Miramar with AFCAD and it told me what .bgl file it was in, in the FS9 scenery folder. Opened that file with a hex editor and changed the airport name text to reflect NAS Miramar vice MCAS Miramar. Same way I did it with a couple airports in FS2002, worked great. AFCAD is a great program, even when you just use it for small tweaks rather than creating entire airports.
Just for future reference, you can make the name change right in the AFCAD program, thus skipping the need for finding the correct .bgl and using the hex editor.

Open you airport, and zoom in until you see the pinkish circle with a cross over it, that is the airport reference point:

Click on that reference point, and it will open the airport properties box:

Make you desired changes there in the properties box, save the resulting af2 file to your fs9\addon scenery\scenery folder, and you're good to go!
Astoroth, I noticed that option in AFCAD. I just wanted to see if I could do it the way I did it in FS2002. Next time I'll use AFCAD, I'm finally getting to the point where I know what I'm doing. :)
Tarps, if you're like me, never say that. About the time I get to thinking I know what I'm doing, things jump up and bite me in a new way. :icon_eek: