AirSimmer A320 Basic Edition Now Out


Charter Member 2016

I have included a video as well that we did:

[YOUTUBE]<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

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Hi guys!

Does anybody know where can I found the POH-mentioned "Cold&Dark" flight? :confused:

Some comments .......


Dang! The natives are getting pretty restless in those threads. :kilroy: If AirSimmer will send me a free copy of their A320 I'll put in a good word for them here. :engel016: Personally I think the product looks great, and I'd say the price is pretty fair for all that you're getting.

I dont understand why people are getting so worked up over at Avsim???

Everyone is complaining that there is no upgrade option. You either buy the basic or the advance (when it comes out). They seem to think that there MUST be an upgrade price. Why? Just don't buy the basic package and wait a few month.

When i bought Mass Effect 1, i didn't expect an "upgrade" price for Mass Effect 2. Or if i bought an Alienware laptop, but now want better parts in it....Alienware isn't gonna give me an "upgrade price." They'll all charge you regular price.

I don't understand those people. Everyone's so angry over there...getting worked up about a virtual aircraft.....obsessed simmers i guess

Yeah, something is in the water over there. I have been steadily avoiding it. Until things calm down there a bit, I don't intend on posting. I don't need people taking shots at me and AirSimmer just because I say something. Fortunately I feel the people here are a bit more level headed.

Truth be told, I don't support products or companies I don't feel compelled to work for. I try to only associate myself with projects I believe in.

Dimitri Samborski

I think so, but don't necessarily quote me. AirSimmer contacted me at FANCON back in 2007 to make a video for this. They have been very helpful and I am very happy to be working with them. I really can't say enough good things about the internal development team.

Anyways, it isn't professional to say much more. If some of you guys get it, I hope you enjoy it. I sure have been :) Remember, if something in your mouth is sour, you always have the money back option from Flight1.

Dang! The natives are getting pretty restless in those threads. :kilroy: If AirSimmer will send me a free copy of their A320 I'll put in a good word for them here. :engel016: Personally I think the product looks great, and I'd say the price is pretty fair for all that you're getting.


Not only at Avsim, some guys over there at Pilote Virtuel a French community forum are pretty... unhappy with this move...some being members of the extended (development) team...

BTW seems that Wilco released a V2 of their nice Embraer, OK not quite the same league, but I guess I will get this one first!

Nice video Cody, and thanks for the heads up.
I for one am delighted to see this product developed for FS9.
Hard to believe there are still boundaries to be pushed in this sim!
If this release amounts to a cry for help, due to economic circumstances, I will gladly chip in and hope they see it through.
(I bought the Alpha C-17 sans cockpit remember :) )

I guess the software (and PC this runs on) must be better than the Airbus computers.
Think about it, if you get all the operating bells and whistles, the sim also has to simulate all the environment graphics.
Boggles the mind.

And all this stuff in a US$50 game and a US$40 addon.
Uwaa! I've been waiting for this! I'm certainly paying for this plane! Now all I need is an ANA livery. :D
I doubt that I will shell out $40 or $90 for another A320 no matter how good it is (or isn't) since there are not enough props and pistons on the thing for me to enjoy.

But after reading the posts especially from the first link at AVSIM I am reminded why I don't go over there anymore.

Especially after reading the first "review" I would certainly not call the "basic" version an unfinished product. It appears to be a highly complex simulation of a very very complex airplane and it's systems already.
With an option to wait a while longer and spend twice the money and buy an even closer representation of the real thing.

But then again they can't even read and comprehend the documentation provided to make that decision by the developer. Instead they blabber on the forum about what they think they have read.

I would be willing to bet it's the same folks then, that when they do have the Advanced Model will run into problems using the simulation, because they did not read or comprehend the documentation, and then complain it is a shoddy product.

Best of luck to the folks at Airsimmer....even if I will spend my money and buy one or more of Lionhearts products when we're done with the L-749 and not on their product.
