Having finally found the time to try both the Oxford and Consul, I am wondering if anyone else is having the same problem that I am.
On starting a flight, ie, engines running and ready to go, both aircraft are toddling along nicely at an indicated 15 kts without any help from me. The throttles appear to be 7% open (easily sorted), but the revs show a "tickover" of around 1100 to 1200 rpm, surely way too high.
I use a Saitek X52 so the first thing I did was to check the calibration, which seemed to be OK, but recalibrated it anyway. No difference. I zeroed the throttles using the pop-up but the revs still did not reduce, steadfastly remaining at slightly over 1100. Shutting down the engines and restarting had no effect. No problem on the Envoy which, on starting a flight shows a tickover of between 500-600 rpm.
Any ideas please