Akemi Ki-45 Nick skins UT.zip

Akemi Ki-45 Nick skins UT.zip 2024-05-18

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Captain Kurt

Library Staff
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Captain Kurt submitted a new resource:

Akemi Ki-45 Nick skins UT.zip - Akemi Ki-45 Nick skins UT.zip

Ki-45 Nick skinpack by UncleTgt

This is a collection of repaints for Akemi's ki-45 Nick for CFS 2. They represent war-weary aircraft near the end of the war.

The aircraft are:

21 Sentai, Palembang Sumatra JAN'45 - this unit faced the BPF raids on the oilfields.

3 Sentai, Formosa, APR '45 - this unit provided long range formation leader aircraft for kamikazes trying to reach Okinawa in April '45. It is one of these aircraft that crashed into the large CVE USS Sangamon on 4th May 1945...

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