

There's a thread running in the CFS2 forum, sadly Akemi passed away back in October; if you don't know any of his work you should pay a visit, as according to this post at Simviation, his web-site won't be round for ever:

by ramirez412001 » Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:23 pm
Good afternoon,

It is my sad duty to report that Akemi-san has passed on as of October 29th, 2013.

His website will remain operational for six months. Because Simviation is a freeware site, arrangements might want to be considered to contact the family for possible preservation of his files.


Quite a few of his works perform very well in Fs2004 (in fact , many CFS2 aeroplanes perform well in Fs2004, its a hidden secret if you like)

There's a thread running in the CFS2 forum, sadly Akemi passed away back in October; if you don't know any of his work you should pay a visit, as according to this post at Simviation, his web-site won't be round for ever:
Quite a few of his works perform very well in Fs2004 (in fact , many CFS2 aeroplanes perform well in Fs2004, its a hidden secret if you like)


Sad news indeed Pete, thank you for for the posting here. He was one of the masters of Japanese FS modeling.

Akemi's C6N1 Saiun

Akemi's C6N1 Saiun.jpg
Very sad, many hours of enjoyment with his models in CFS2, i still think his early mark FW190's are the best option for a 190 in FS9 outside payware.
blue skies, ian
As others have said, very sad news. Akemi did some great work, and a lot of this stuff (as Pete & Ian have said) work very nicely in FS9; I still use a lot of his Japanese stuff, you'd be hard out to find better. He'll be missed.
Sorry to hear of Akemi's passing. I remember a lot of his models. I had several of his Fw-190's as well as a few of his Japanese WWII planes, a long time ago. His work was some of the best. Some of the most intricate detailing I had ever seen. Still is, and very unique... even by todays standards.
