Al and His Historical weather


Charter Member 2011

Al requested special historical weather for his Operation Leader missions. He wanted heavy broken clouds with bases at 4,000 to 4,500 and tops around 6,500 to 7,000 , no rain and wind at 22 kts. Then at the target area similar clouds with slightly less coverage and no wind.

You will need the wind to get off the deck with the 1,000 lb bomb he hung on your SBD. Piece of cake for you guys. Something thrilling about the SBD rolling down that deck in the pre dawn darkness, kind of like the movie Pearl Harbor, or was it Midway with the Japanese aircraft taking off with nav lights on.

Then he is going to make you form up as # 4 aircraft in a flight of four after your takeoff. The rest of your flight will be orbiting the carrier waiting for you to join up. here are some screenshots.

Lets see, take off checklist for a SBD is....:ernae:

It's lots of fun taking off from the carrier with the Avenger than joining up with your flight.Next you have break thru the clouds and attack ships in the harbor and the docks with a little flak thrown in.Just your everyday milk run.

One of the great improvments with ETO is the flack tracers. Flying shipping strikes is a complete different experience, it's now really impressive and frightening, really similar to what I've read on this subject.