AlacrityPC ?


Life Time CM
In the guide for DX 10 it states to use AlacrityPC to stop unwanted services and a link (many links seem dead) I just searched the net and found it but when downloaded and opened it was for windows vista. I then searched for a win 8 version and only found a video with dead link. I did find a 64 bit version from 2008. Is there a new win 8 64 bit version?
My appologies - Teisco! (and a "Welcome, too)

There were a lot of links to be changed, and I can only say - this one was missed.

However - it is now fixed in the Guide, and to be a little quicker for you - it is right here! :encouragement:

All the Best,

Thanks for the quick reply, I did try to go to your link and had to sign up for dropbox to do it. When I finally got to the item it said no such item exist.

Maybe just put a link to the new win 8 alacritypc in your reply post?
OK - I know what happened. Again - my appologies. When a file is shared, it's supposed to go in the "Files" folder. I've found - if I put them there - you have to put in the person's email address - so he can share it. Crazy. I now always put them in the "Photo's" folder, as all one has to do is share and publish the link. It just works without bothering with email addresses, and so on. Again - sorry. This one will work. There are instructions, pictures and the original msi.

HERE! This works both 32 and 64 bit.

If it doesn't work - just shoot me!

All the Best,


Edit: - just tested it, and it worked fine. Duh!