Alaska Forestry Repaint

No, never found one. When Sean Doran and I were discussing AC690 paints a year ago it was a 'possible' but the pic is of a Shrike so he didn't go ahead.

I like it and have a few other pics to show the logo just in case...

Thanks for the reply Rob, The Alaska Forestry colour scheme is really nice, I am surprised that we do not see it more often!

The forestry Pilatus PC9 also looks good too!

All the best
There are paint kits of sorts for the plane (all the AC aircraft actually)...but they are not the typical layered paint kit. I am working on putting together a compete paint kit for the idea when I will have it done as I have so many projects going on that I am basically lost in the pile. I really like the Alaskan Forestry paint and will do it once I have a paint kit done. But like I said, no idea when that will be, so don't hold your breath.

Back in April ------put a beautiful paint job on the Alaska State Forestry PC-7 .
It and 3 other paints in process vanished .
The only thing I could find is the ones on the plane .
No decals for downloading .

Long time lurker, rather rare poster. Ran across this striking Shrike a while back and began working on a texture for it just for fun, but seeing as there is interest, I made my texture available here It's about 1/4 the way down the page.


Dustin Mosher
D. Moser , Thank you very,very much .
All your paints are beautiful.
My Birthday came 2 months early .
That`s some nice work Dustin.

I did a double-take on the MAAM avenger... the paint is the original scheme from Skyways in Langley BC (long before Conair). Obviously the plane was never repainted once sold in the US.
Thanks for that info srgalahad, I knew it had been a Canadian bird, part of a fleet of similar aircraft, but didn't know much beyond that. Although if you look carefully, the plane has the very faint text of "Forest Protection Ltd." painted on the aft fuselage. An interesting bird nonetheless; I have a liking for the non-military paintings of military aircraft, not a usual subject for most texture artists.

Dustin Mosher
One of the nicest paint jobs I have seen on Milton & Co's Shrike.

I made my texture available here It's about 1/4 the way down the page.

Hmm, don't see it in the latest uploads and don't see your user name in the download list. Where am I looking?

