Albert Whitted Airport - Freeware Scenery


SOH Staff
KSPG is an Iconic location on Florida's west coast - have flown here alot in real life back in the late 80's with my Dad in his Piper Aztec.

FS2004/FSX Scenery--Albert Whitted Airport

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Name: Size: 38,581,713 Date: 03-29-2009
FS2004/FSX Scenery--Albert Whitted Airport, (KSPG), Florida (FL). By Jimmy R. Martin.

Real info here :

Get it at Flightsim.

Cheers! Mike :rapture:
Yep, second picture is Peter O Knight. SPG is my home base airport and I belong to the Bay AIR flying club. I also happen to live on my sailboat in the marina next to the airport. It doesn't ge any better than that!