All Hell Breaks Loose Over Belfast: 4/15/1941


Charter Member
:kilroy:A hairy situation in the dark. The Belfast defenses are wide awake. This is another new mission being tested by me for Nonato. This one is based on O-1 Driver's new effects appearing soon This new mission will be released to coincide with the release of the November Hotfix Update. Please not the new white (gray) ranging flakbursts. Will you be in for a bit of mischief when it's all released? We hope so. Enjoy.:d
More Belfast Mission Pics + a Surprise from Italy

:kilroy:Nonato sent these to me to post for his newest missions. The first five are from the new Belfast mission. The sixth is from a Brazilian P-47D-25 close air-support mission in Itasly in March of 1945 that he's been working on. There will be many more ETO missions to come in the future, I'm sure.:d
Brilliant stuff. I'm paticuarly pleased to see Nonato is doing some Brazilian missions, a subject close to his heart and certainly educational for us.

...and I've prepared a continuation of this terrible night (now seen through the eyes of a night fighter pilot)...shut down the lights, people!! Here we go!:icon_lol:
