All of a sudden, my scenery is messed up...

Navy Chief

Senior Member
Ok, so as you all know, I am a X-Plane newbie. I installed the latest update, and now my scenery is messed up. For example, KNPA NAS Pensacola, looks nothing like it did yesterday. All of a sudden, there's USAF aircraft on the flight line, and the hangars are default looking.

My first inclination was to uninstall everything and start fresh, but thought maybe someone here can offer some help. NC .:banghead:
All is not easy in XP installing scenery. It has to be in a certain order in your scenery.ini file in the custom scenery folder. There are lots of instructions on but basically you have to edit the .ini file with a text editor in the following order: mesh in the lowest area, photo scenery then custom airports. Ensure also that you have installed update required libraries.

good luck!
Thanks for your suggestions. Scenery order in P3DV4 has always confused me, and the same goes for X-Plane. I wish there was a program that would automatically fix the scenery order, because I get frustrated easily, and say to hell with it...... Time to uninstall/reinstall. NC:banghead:

I made the decision to uninstall/reinstall, but did copy the contents of my Custom scenery folder and aircraft folders to a separate drive, so I can choose what to reinstall from that. Will take it slowly this time. NC

The process is much easier than FSX/P3D, i thought.
I'm a bit confused about your comments regarding the P3D library order. That order was the same as in FSX or FS9, so what was confusing about it ?

And even in XPlane 11, the order in the scenery_packs.ini is still similar (although not *exactly* the same) as FSX or P3D. Base meshes/sceneries below, more specific areas above.
I think it was maybe not necessary to reinstall everything on your sim.
Maybe you could just post the content of your scenery_packs.ini for us to take a look. The XP experts here might have a chance to spot the problems and make some recommendations :)
Most likely, your scenery_packs.ini got messed up because it got regenerated by the sim (no idea why), but solving the problem is just about getting the lines inside in the correct order again, I think.
I'm a bit confused about your comments regarding the P3D library order. That order was the same as in FSX or FS9, so what was confusing about it ?

And even in XPlane 11, the order in the scenery_packs.ini is still similar (although not *exactly* the same) as FSX or P3D. Base meshes/sceneries below, more specific areas above.
I think it was maybe not necessary to reinstall everything on your sim.
Maybe you could just post the content of your scenery_packs.ini for us to take a look. The XP experts here might have a chance to spot the problems and make some recommendations :)
Most likely, your scenery_packs.ini got messed up because it got regenerated by the sim (no idea why), but solving the problem is just about getting the lines inside in the correct order again, I think.

I know that the order structure is similar to that of P3D and FSX, but I get confused when trying to figure out the differences between meshes, sceneries, etc..., and how to make sure the order is correct. Much in the same way that AI Traffic Plan creation has eluded me since I first started simming. Everyone says, "It is easy! Just read the manuals, and watch videos!" Well, perhaps for most people, but not me. Some things just confuse me, and I am not able to understand. NC
Why not mentally visualize the layers?

Mesh - crust and rock
Orthophotos - grass and soil
Overlays - trees and houses
Global Airports - well, airports
Custom airports - reconstructed airports

It's just a big sandwich.
Why not mentally visualize the layers?

Mesh - crust and rock
Orthophotos - grass and soil
Overlays - trees and houses
Global Airports - well, airports
Custom airports - reconstructed airports

It's just a big sandwich.

That actually makes more sense to me. I will test it! Thanks. NC