Allright, you FS9 IRIS Phantom Drivers....

It says in the read-me that IRIS gave their permission for this pack to be uploaded. Hmmm... I did notice that the effects package contained files from the Virtavia F-104 Starfighter, which is part of a payware package tho. The model was not set up to use those effects anyhow. I swiftly deleted those and I'm using the effects from the IRIS EAP Series, which is freeware.

I can contact Frank Safranek and have him contact Phil at Virtavia directly to let him know about that. We'll see what happens. Since then... the model has been removed from my copy of FS9 and the downloaded file has been deleted.

PM sent to Frank Safranek.

a bit strange this, i thought Iris were going to hang on to their F4's and rework them for FSX, a beta with no VC was made available to try, so where's this one come from.

cheers ian
The freeware Iris phanthom has been coming soon for the last two years I gave up waiting for it. Irissimulations has altered its website and the freeware classics don't seem to be there, hopefully they will reinstate them although I find the new website a lot harder to navigate than the old one the freeware fs9 models and the warhawk experiments for fsx were very good.
a bit strange this, i thought Iris were going to hang on to their F4's and rework them for FSX, a beta with no VC was made available to try, so where's this one come from.

cheers ian

Hi Ian --

To the best of my knowing, the release of this package came with only 2 models of the older FS9 IRIS Phantom FGR-2, which I paid for when it came out several years back. In the read-me for the new Phantom pack, the individual stated that he was given permission by IRIS to upload the pack with the 2 versions of the FS9 IRIS Phantom FGR-2. My licensed copy, which I lost in a hard drive crash, contained a multiplayer version... several additional models and paints.

The thing that bothered me a little was that this new Phantom pack contained the effects files for the Virtavia F-104 Starfighter... That's a payware package. Since the aircraft config wasn't set up to use those files I just deleted it, changed the afterburner and smoke effect to use the IRIS EAP Package effects... which IMO, worked a lot better.

I sent a PM to Frank Safranek and asked him to contact Phil at Virtavia, regarding the use of the F-104 Starfighter effects in the new Phantom pack, that was uploaded as freeware. I have not heard back form Frank as of yet.

IRIS did release a beta version of the F-4 Phantom for FSX but I never tried it.

Follow-up on the IRIS Phantom package issues

Probably not gonna like hearing this but...

Emails have been sent to webmasters for Simviation and Flightsim...

As much as I'd like to have my original FS9 IRIS Phantom series back, or at least part of it... I deleted this latest package from my system entirely. Too bad as I had it working in FS9 really well.
In my haste to make you all aware that this particular package was available, (I know a lot of you were like me and wanted the FS9 IRIS Phantom too), I posted a new thread about it here, before taking a compleat look at the entire package. I usually create my own afterburner effects and use some from other freeware planes such as the IRIS EAP, I didn't even install the effects that were included with this pack, but when I found out what it was... I felt like a heel for posting information about it.

Really sorry, mates.

Its the right thing to do mate, although ive got to say the Virtavia/alpha model has a more pleasing exterior shape although the Iris models have better VC's, just personal preference i guess

cheers ian
It's Baaaack....

OK you all.. Please be advised that there have been some changes made to this package by the chap that initially brought you the first version of the "IRIS Phantom AS_GA Megapack", There is a compleat new upload of this package over at Flightsim and the issues involving payware files has been resolved. The package now includes freeware effects for the afterburner, lights, smoke... etc.

I downloaded this new file and looked at it pretty close. I scrutinized the read-me as well as various folders within the package...AFAIK, it's all good.

The model WILL work in FS9, with some light tweaks, so head on over and have a look. :encouragement:
