Almost Back!!!

Tom Clayton

Staff member
FS9 on previous computer: complete inability to deal with MIPs and around 5-7 FPS under certain conditions.

New computer - HP 4540s running W7 Pro... Installed FS9 from the four CDs, installed the 9.1 service pack, then dropped in the "file that shall not be named." Open the Sim, tweak the display settings to fit my monitor, then open a flight with the default C172 sitting on the runway at KGSO. If full screen mode, frames are in the 50-55 range. Switch to Windowed mode, and, well, see for yourself. This capture was actually at the low end - the number was actually dancing anywhere from about 77 all the way up to 95!
When Trena goes to bed, I'll start the process of extracting most of the addons from the installation on her 'puter. I should be back in the air in a couple more days.
A HP 4540? Is that a straight off the shop shelf desktop? (or laptop?)Big framerates! A huge difference to the old one, you'll be away flying again for hours!

Glad you have been re-juventated by your new rig. I had the same experience a year back. I have a favour to ask:

Could you be so kind as to send me 'The file that cannot be named'. Have lost it some while back and have been too lazy to look for it.

That file may be obtained at UKMIL.

You might want to look at locking your FPS at about '50'. That'll also help with scenery resolution.

Mark, yes, it's a 4540s straight our of the box from Tiger Direct ($500). This package

Mal, send me a PM with your email. If UKMil has it, I would trust that version. But I have read accounts of other versions with embedded malware.

Dave, I usually locked it at 25 in the past, but I'm thinking this rig won't even blink if I use 50!

I'm in the process of transferring addons now. The longest thing will be adding in all of my scenery packages one by one...
I spent a while putting in essential things like AK and HI meshes and then trying to remember all of the things I had assigned on my X-52. I should be able to take a nice relaxing flight tomorrow and take advantage of fall break at school! :jump: