Almost Finished/Pearl


Charter Member
Had to get these shots up,thought they were pretty good.Worked on this pretty much all day long. Still a little polishing to be done.

Got me pumped up, had the theme from "Tora-Tora-Tora" playing during this.


Actually Lewis,I'm using an existing corner of the stock map and havent installed the Terrain editor
yet. Your right though,shore line would look alot better.
Actually Lewis,I'm using an existing corner of the stock map and havent installed the Terrain editor
yet. Your right though,shore line would look alot better.

:kilroy:Wyld45, M$ dropped the ball on this one. Look in the Terrains2 folder of your CFS3 install. If it's empty, do this:

1. Put the CFS3 Disc #2 into your CD or DVD drive.

2. Do an Explore on that disc and look for a file named CAB8.CAB

3. Make a folder on your desktop, right-click on CAB8.CAB on the disc, and copy it to this new folder.

4. Go into the new folder and extract CAB8.CAB. You will now have a floder named terrains2.

5. Copy and paste the and files found in this terrains2 folder into the Terrains2 folder in your CFS3 main game folder.

Now when you start the game, you will have shorelines.:d
Grizz beat me to the punch but doing as he instructed will add shoreline to the stock map. Nothing to modify just one unpacked zip folder to drop into the CFS3 main folder.