Alpha Enabled reflections not created equal


Charter Member
Can someone explain why my alpha enabled aluminum textures show on some models while not on others? For example:

1. My recent VS F9F textures do not show at all. In fact they look down right wierd in P3Dv2.5. However, some users experience no issue whatsoever and have P3Dv2.5 running just fine with those same textures.

2. I am working on some textures for the up coming MV F-100 and my textures work perfectly between P3D and FSX with no issues!

Very strange. I'm sure there must be an internal P3D option Iis have disabled. It makes no sense to me. Could one of the devs chime in ( or an expert repainter!) Thanks gents!
Hey Rick,

I had a look at your working files and your .cfg in the texture folder(s). Everything looks good. You did a superb job on the spec files btw.

One thing to keep in mind, your .cfg file will default to the common texture file, then fall back to P3D generic texture file. If you want a specific env map/fresnel, include those in the aircraft texture file.

I'd check your VS_F9F-5 texture file and the fall back files to ensure continuity.

Post up a couple screens from P3Dv2.5. I want to see exactly what's going on.

These are straight caps from 2.5, the envelope map is the high def mountain map that I run in my system. Otherwise, this is your skin straight from the zip file.
You can see here really good alpha and spec at work.

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Do you have the latest hotfix installed? There was in issue with the previous version where the environment map wasn't loaded if the sim was booted to the scenario screen.
Rick, by default your work on these texture will not look as good as your initial screenshots (in the FSX section) for anybody who is still using the default envmap texture.
Once an alternative, more colorful envmap is downloaded and installed in FSX/P3D, your repaint will look much better.
I'll have to post some screens when I get home. I'm using the same Envmap as in my fsx install....I do not have the hot fix...maybe that's it! But it's actually a lot weirder than that. It like it's using the alpha mixed with the diffuse map displayed as a single color paint job.
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Hotfix was the solution! Thank you! Looks great now! :) Thanks for all the replies. Very appreciated. Looks like no real issues need to be fixed from FSX to P3D so that great.

Gman, would you be willing to let me try your envmap? Looks nice, and may work better for certain aircraft than others. It really lets the specular work. Also I have some updated specs to update with.
Holy cow, that looks great.
If you post a few more screen shots it will make me buy an aircraft just for the repaint.
