Alpha F-89

Great aircraft & a real delight to fly!

There were a few done by Pierre but they were hosted at Avsim.
Ditto to what Panther just said. One of my favorite jets. But then, I pretty much only like early jets. Alphasim has done well with all those early jets. The F-89 is great.
Just got it... I'll do a test flight in the morning. Only problem I've seen so far is I can't open the texture files in the Paint kit. I have an old copy of PSP that can't open later model photoshop files.

I was looking forward to cranking out a VT Air Guard Model J

Here's a VT ANG one that should be on Avsim when it comes back up. It's in ADC grey. There's also Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota ANG skins as well. Search 'dave quincey'. This one of Alphasim's best recent offerings although the paint kit's a bit difficult.


Best wishes

I met a retired VT Air Guard F-89 pilot once. He told me a story about how the Guard guys would harass the regular AF guys in the 60's that were in VT. This usually consisted of buzzing the Radar station in St. Albans and the Missile Silo's in Alburgh and Swanton. One time on a low and slow pass (Gear and flaps down) with a Scorpion, the pilot got a little too low and as the story goes... there was a tire skid mark left on top of the radar dome...

As for the textures... could you upload them here or at Flightsim?

I'm really looking forward to trying out that VT paint job.

Will do if I have time this weekend, Brian.

And I bet the top of the radome wasn't the only place there was a very big skid mark..........!!

Just got it... I'll do a test flight in the morning. Only problem I've seen so far is I can't open the texture files in the Paint kit. I have an old copy of PSP that can't open later model photoshop files.

I was looking forward to cranking out a VT Air Guard Model J

How old is your copy of PSP? When I painted the F-89J and adjusted the other models in the set I used PSP7 and then saved off a copy in PSD format (verified could be opened in Photoshop going back to v6). I came in late to paint the J model for the set and the textures I had to work with were a real mess at that point. The paint kit was a compromise in the end.

As indicated above by Dave there are a few repaints available. They used to be viewable at the unofficial Alphasim forum but were lost when the forum had a crash landing. I don't recall Pierre doing any though.

PM me if you have problems with the paint kit. Maybe I have something better.
I have PSP 7 but I get an error when I try to open the php files in the paint kit. I've had this problem with all the recent Alpha paint kits.

Since Dave has the repaint I want, I can wait for the upload...

Display problem with Dave Quincey fsx f89 paints

I finally bought the f-89 in the pc aviator sale and installed the MNANG VTANG WIANG IAANG repaints and none of them display properly in FSX. I installed the fsx textures per instructions and the canopy is silver and the aircraft appears to be lit from below. Was wondering what I can do to fix this. Does anybody have an idea? Thanks in advance.
You'd probably get a better answer in the FSX forum for this. I do know that FSX uses a different textures format than FS2004. You might have to convert those textures to the FSX format.
You'd probably get a better answer in the FSX forum for this. I do know that FSX uses a different textures format than FS2004. You might have to convert those textures to the FSX format.
Sorry did not realize this was the 2004 forum the textures are in fsx format already maybe i will try over there
I was looking for repaints for my new Alphasim F4D Skyray a couple of days ago. Do a search on AVSIM for FS2004 textures under the name ofBruce Martin. I'm pretty sure I saw at least a couple of repaints for the Scorpion. Good hunting!

I have a few tucked away in my archive somewhere. I believe there is an excellent Iowa Air Nat'l Guard paint out there for sure. If you can't find what you're looking for, send me a PM with an e-mail addie and I'll dig em' up for ya.

I know this is off topic but is there a repaint for the Alphasim/Virtavia F-105 Thundercheif of Mephis Bell 2. Plus is there anyway of stopping it from stalling on landing.
I know this is off topic but is there a repaint for the Alphasim/Virtavia F-105 Thundercheif of Mephis Bell 2. Plus is there anyway of stopping it from stalling on landing.

Right here under your nose in the SOH Library: filename Author: Dave Larmer (Klarm)

Alphasim 2008 F-105D "Memphis Belle II".zip
This repaint is for the new (2008) Payware FS9 version of Alphasim's F-105D, you must have this aircraft installed to use these textures. These textures represent the "Memphis Belle II" flown by Maj. Buddy Jones from Taklhi RTAB.

by Klarm (2008-01-20 20:24:44)

Category FS 2004 Skins

And.... sorry no clue about the stalling, haven't heard of that before... Maybe a matter of maintaining proper AoA and airspeed perhaps?