Alpha Gloster Meteor repaints anywhere?

ian elliot

This is a favorite of mine but cant belive there where no repaints for the F8 model, backbone of the RAF until the Hunter came into service in the mid 50's, are there really none out there, i'd have a go myself if i was good enough at repainting.
cheers ian
I have a paint kit done for the F3. Not sure how much of it will work on the F8.....

I have the MDL files for the F3 and F8 tweaked for reflective texturing....the F3 looks great in gleaming bare metal!

I've got a few part done, just not had time to finish them, real world stuff.

I'll dig them out during the week and see if I can make some more progress with them.
There are a couple over a, I believe. Just be creative with your search parameters.
