Alpha Halton


Does anyone know how to get sound to work in the Hanley Page Halton from Britsim?
It's an older Alpha plane and I've tried switching sound packs,(not just cfg sound but the whole list of sounds) tried different addon sound packs ,made sure the sound is turned on but nothing.
The Halifax\Halton works fine but the separate Halton download is silent.
Any ideas?
Hi H,
Just go to the Halifax aircraft file, check that the 'sound' file has the sound effects in it. Then copy the that 'sound' file and paste into the silent Halton aircraft file, over-writing the empty 'sound' file that's there, that should do it.



I've tried what you said both with the Hailax sound ,which is just a cfg file and a plane with the whole list of files in the sound folder and nothing.
The Halton file doesn't even come with a sound folder so I put one in from other planes as well as tried addon sounds from the web. I even swapped cfg files with the Halifax which has a version of the Halton in it and no sound.
I'am ready to give up on the halton folder and stick with the Haifax.
What does it say in the actual aircraft cfg under 'sound=' ? (not the sound cfg)
You might need to check that there are no extensions attached. Also the sound folder needs to be named 'sound', no attachment.
The other thing is the engine type in the cfg. Usually '1' in piston aircraft.
This is copied from the description of the Halifax/Halton pack in the Britsim file library:
"Not included in the pack but highly recommended are the files by Harry Follas and the subsequent FS2004 upgrade by John Hinson, both available from . The aircraft.cfg is referenced to these files. Create a subfolder inside the model called sound.herc then download and install the files in to this folder. Next, download and install the files from to your sound.herc folder and when asked if you want to overwrite, click 'YES'. You are now ready to go;-)"

There is also at BritSim a Gary Jones soundset for Hercules-equipped planes. If you are familiar with aliasing sounds, you might like to try that instead.

NB - 'inside the model' does not mean inside the model folder. It means under the main folder for the aircraft, alongside the original sound folder if there is one.
it worked!

First,I did what was said in the readme file ,got the files, put them in and nothing,then I went to the cfg file and it said herc next to all the sound lines,I deleted herc from the sound lines then checked the engine type,and it said 0, so I changed it to 1.Then put in the sound file from the Curtiss 377 and ,bingo sounds great! Thankyou so very much.
well almost

one small problem ,the planes won't move!At full throttle brakes off they just sit there. I had to delete the last Halton it kept freezing up.I even tried switching air files with the Halifax and still the plane won't move.
fixed it

I got the Haltons to move and fly by changing the engine type back to 0 from 1.Thanks for all your help.I still left the last Halton out because it kept frezzing up ,but no problem most of them look the same except for the letters on the side and this was a gray one that looked like the others.
Glad you got it sorted. :applause:

I downloaded it and looked a bit closer.

There is no sound folder in the pack at all.
The aircraft cfg says sound=herc (or Herc - makes no difference). So the instruction is to find a folder called sound.herc and use the info in the sound.cfg inside that. No sound.herc folder means no sound.
If you create a folder called sound, with nothing in it, and change the aircraft cfg to sound= ,you usually finish up with the default Cessna sounds. (BTW, I think this is where the [General Engine Data] bit comes into play - if you set it to engine type=1, you would probably get the default LearJet sound. I don't know what else it does.)

//0=Piston, 1=Jet, 2=None, 3=Helo-Turbine, 4=Rocket, 5=Turboprop
engine_type =0

When the aircraft cfg says sound= ,any folder called sound will work, provided it has a config file and sound files in it. If the sound cfg says alias=anotherplane\sound then you need to have that other plane installed with a valid sound folder.

The Halifax [flightsim.xx] numbering goes from 0 - 14, so if you really wanted to, you could use 15 different soundsets, so long as each had its own folder (sound.aa , sound.01, sound.gj and so on) and each [flightsim.xx] section called its own sounds (sound=aa , sound=01, sound=gj and so on)
You can do the same thing with model= and *.air files .This would allow you to have several Lancaster and Halifax types in one aircraft folder - some Lancs had radials, and some Halifaxes had Merlins. In the old days when hard drives were very small, this saved a lot of disk storage space, but it hardly matters these days.

put in differt sound set

I put in the Bristol Hercules sound set from FlightSim ,sounds like a real Halton now,(I guess cause I never heard a real one) but it works great.
Kind of fun playing junior Frankenstein isn't it? Swapping body parts to animate the dead. (That's Frronken-steen)