Alphasim B-58 Hustler


I decided to pull the shroud off of and roll out my trusty Alpha B-58 Hustler. I have the basic model in service now, as the "Pro Enhancement" seems to require special installation procedures... which I have failed to get to work after 2 attempts. No, it's not the textures... but anyhow.
I was just wondering if there are any other Hustler drivers out there besides my self, that might know of a little bit better afterburner effect. I have seen pics of some really nice effects for this plane, but have no clue as to how to get ahold of them.
Frank Safranek did an exquisite "Gunship" paint scheme that depicts a fictional "current service" B-58 in tactical grey livery from Grissom AFB, one of the best paints I have ever seen for that plane.:ernae:

Hustler Effects

Bob Chicilo did an update the Lucariny B-58 Hustler and added some new effects. You might try looking at those and see if they help.

By the way, I thought I had the Alphasim Hustler, but in checking my library, I don't and a search of the Alphasim/Virtavia products currently available but it seems to have gone AWOL.

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Modern MilitaryFS2004 Convair B-58 Hustler Update
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Size: 1,830,383 Date: 05-09-2010 Downloads: 1,320


FS2004 Convair B-58 Hustler Update. This is an update of the B58 Hustler by J.R. Lucariny. The author has added all the wheels, added smoke effects that don't need to be in the lights section, changed the burner part of the afterburners, and changed the flight dynamics a bit. This is the whole aircraft. No virtual cockpit. By Bob Chicilo.
It was taken when one of the old Alphasim guys left the fold, went on to making his own including the B58 Hustler, There's a link for an Fs9 version for sale at 15 Euro's, $8-ish. Looks very good value, and there's the afterburner effects built-in, posibly a gauge related effect. A new FSX version to.


Jagd -- Thanks for the tip about the Lucariny B-58... :salute:

Last time I checked, the Glowing Heat B-58 was for FSX. It's basically the older FS9 Alpha Hustler, ported over. The panel looks to be a lot different tho... with 3D gauges, but it comes with the same texture variations as the base model Alpha B-58. Not sure if they have been converted to .dds format, I didn't look that close. In the screens they provided, the ol' gal looks pretty much as she does in my FS9 install, so I'm thinking a more complex flight model, better effects and a really sweet looking cockpit will be the selling points for the Glowing Heat B-58.

As a side note, the SR-71 (FS9) version looks basically the same as the Alpha Blackbird, but that was an excellent model with very nice features when it was released. I cannot say for either plane, what improvements are included for the Glowing Heat models, I am not slighting those versions, as I don't own either. I do however have the Alphasim Hustler and Blackbird, and have spent some extensive time with both. It took me forever, and about a dozen B-58's to finally learn how to land that bird. :isadizzy:


EDIT: I clicked on the link that Shessi provided and saw that Glowing Heat has the B-58 for FS9, Looks just like my Alpha Hustler. In the "Pro Enhancement" that Alpha offered, there was an additional texture, "Little Joe", along with a compleat pilot managed fuel system. It allowed you to feed from different tanks via mouseable controls. Added a bit more challenge to flying the jet. Landing was always the FIRST thrill in her, tho.
Frank Safranek's repaint of the "Grissom AFB Hustler" comes with an AI Package for the Bunker Hill AFB Scenery Pack. If anyone wants it and can't find it... contact me via PM.

Frank Safranek's repaint of the "Grissom AFB Hustler" comes with an AI Package and the Bunker Hill AFB Scenery Pack. If anyone wants it and can't find it... contact me via PM.

My B-58 repaints are all here:

Dave McQueen did some as well. Should be available at the usual places.

The current set of textures will not be 100% compatible with the upcoming FSX release.
I had David remap and combine some in the interest of reducing drawcalls.
Thanks for the update Frank! :ernae: Also... I'm not sure if the ALPHASIM B-58 Pro Enhancement is still available for the FS9 Hustler, but I finally got the one I have to work. I highly recommend it to any of you armchair Hustler drivers out there. It really improves the flight characteristics, adds a pilot managed fuel system with some new gauges. It crisps up the 2D and VC cockpit interiors and adds "Little Joe", an additional repaint for the FS9 Hustler. AND...I have to 'plug' the Grissom AFB Hustler and scenery pack too. It's very nice. :salute:

EDIT: Alphasim's Bunker Hill scenery package is a separate download from the Bunker Hill Grissom AFB textures for the Alpha Hustler. The texture download for the B-58 model only includes tail insignia and numbers that allow the AI to be used with the Bunker Hill Scenery.

Thanks Shessi. I may just pick that up and go supersonic for a while.

For everyone flying the Hustler, Alphasim released their "Bunker Hill AFB" as freeware scenery sometime ago. It's set up as a Hustler base and some of the texture downloads available for the Alphasim Hustler are optimized for Bunker Hill.

Here's a link to the official Bunker Hill AFB museum web site:

Just to put the record straight. The Bunker Hill scenery marketed by Alphasim was withdrawn by Team SDB when we "left" Alphasim. We then included it in our US Airfields Vol2. It was mistakenly released as Freeware by Virtavia along with other current SDB scenery. Upon being informed of the mistake Phil apologised and removed all Team SDB's freeware scenery from Virtavia's pages. If anyone has any of these Payware packages that were downloaded from the Virtavia site please DO NOT share them thinking they are freeware. That would be a breach of our copyright.
Team SDB has re-released all the older (Alphasim) sceneries as freeware on
On a lighter note a new FSX Bunker Hill is currently in the works
The Glowing Heat model was discussed here some time ago.
I bought it and was thrilled - what a beast it must have been to handle.

Didn't think to look for Frank's ALPHA repaints, but they of course work, and look pretty darn good.
Thanks for the link Frank, bookmarked.

The innards are a little old now, but it's all about the concept of flying somewhere near Mach 3.
And landing!

Glad you guys still like the ol Hustler.

just to set the record straight regarding the Glowingheat SR-71 and FS9 B-58. Both aircraft are essentially the same aircraft that Virtavia was selling, I however left Virtavia in December 2011 along with my work.

the FSX Hustler has the same flight model, sounds, but has a greatly enhanced 3D model, a new VC with smooth 3D gauges, and of course is fully FSX native (not a portover) with self shadowing etc and a 2048 set of textures making it much more detailed. It's planned that an FSX Bunker Hill will coincide with the newrelease.