Alphasim Bobcat restoration project....take 2


Retired SOH Admin
A while back I started a project to restore the freeware Alphasim Cessna T-50 Bobcat and to improve it as much as I could using Photoshop, some aircraft.cfg tweaks and a really sharp panel tweak by DrZGard. The original project was rolling along very nicely, when BANG I lost it all due to a HD glitch.

Well, the project is now back and better than ever. I have DrZGards panel mod installed in all the stock planes, I have the flight dynamics for the wheeled Bobcat tweaked for proper speeds, have improved the flaps behavior a bit, and am working on dialing in the range of the plane (real world is 750 miles, sim world is 1000 plus miles).

I have the paint template redone....and it is better than the first one. More detail!!!

I have 4 new skins done and they look great!

And this time....I am being smart and making periodic backups to my external HD!!!

Will continue to work on this project and will get it uploaded as soon as our download library is back in operation. I know there was a good bit of interest in this project originally and I hope that interest is still there as this is a sweet little plane that really is a joy to fly.

I for one am still very interested.Very happy to hear you didn't give up on the old Bobcat.:applause:
5th new skin is in the bag. I am concentrating on military skins for the time there are more profiles to work with in that regard. Civilian skins will some artistic license ones as well, some skins that I do just for the fun of doing them.

I have reference that says that LOT Polish Air Lines operated 14 Bobcats from 1946 to 1950. Anyone have any info on how LOT planes were painted during that time period?


EDIT: 6th skin nearly done.
New skin count is currently at 9. Will do 5 more for a total of 14 new military style repaints. Then I will begin the civilian skins....should be around 10 of those.

Taking a break for skinning to work on the flight dynamics and fuel consumption.

This package will have to broken down into a number of parts for uploading. Currently, with the original files (tweaked) and the 9 new skins, the compressed file size is close to 25 meg...uncompressed it is nearly 250 meg! All new skins are done in 1024 by 1024 size, 32 bit format for maximum clarity and sharpness.

I can already tell the most difficult part of your Bobcat work for me will be deciding what one to fly.:icon_lol:
I have looked high and low but can't find any images of LOT UC-78s,just statistics.

The Sky King is on the To Do list...though to be honest, not sure what kind of justice I can do the paint. It has lots of curves in the stripes....not real good with those curved stripes. Will do my best.

Hi Obio glad to hear you're restarting this project. :icon_lol: Look forward to seeing the finished project.
Do you need me to repost the photos I posted earlier?

I still have the images you posted of the Collings Foundation Bobcat. Will be doing that paint next.

Have 9 new skins done. Still trying to get the fuel consumption/range dialed in (will be working on that more tonight while I sit up with our poor kitty, who is under the influence of anethesia as he got neutered today). I got some good info from the flight dynamic gurus down in the Flight Dynamics forum on what to do to get the range dialed in better.

As soon as I get the range in the general ball park area, I will begin uploading to First upload will be the Base Pack (stock skins updated with DrZGard's panel mod, tweaked flight dynamics), a dedicated sound pack that I have done up for the Bobcat (it is as close to the sound of the Bobcat as I can get...when compared to videos of the Bobcat I have watched and listened to over and over and over....I did nearly a dozen sound packs before this one and tossed them all...this one is a keeper). Then I will upload 2 packs of skins, all military themed....5 in the first pack, 4 in the second.

Once I have the above done, I will do the next 5 military skins, upload them, then start on civilian skins.

And once that is all said and done, I will begin work on the float plane version. Oh, the stock skins and all the new skins will be usable on either the wheeled or float version!

I've got a question about #16. Where'd you get the info on the 429th BS T-50? Was it a squadron courier or something?

My grandfather was a radio operator in that squadron. Bomber did some great skins for the WoP B-17 for the 429th BS.


Is that the one with the Y on the tail? If so, I got the info/scheme from here:

Check out the T-50 & UC-78 Gallery...there are lots of pics of the plane being restored, some video of first engine fire up, first taxi, first flight.

I have no idea if the scheme is accurate to any Bobcat...I like it, thought it was neat looking, and did it....though I did leave the US ARMY text off the bottom of the wings....I knew that was wrong...or at least I am pretty sure it is wrong to have US ARMY on the wing bottoms in 1943 through 1945.
