ALPHASIM C-17 Update


Charter Member 2011
There used to be a thread about this model in here somewhere...appears it has been dumped, I've searched on just about any combination of ALPHA, C-17 c17 etc and can't locate it.

Whatever...there is a 2d panel update available for download at ALPHASIM


Lighting can be dimmed for various elements


but to be honest, "my" freeware panel does most things just as well.


I could've lived with a minipanel, and (lots of) goodies in the VC.

The panel has taken some effort to produce, so the model has clearly not been forgotten.
Let's hope ALPHASIM can produce a really good VC.
This is still one of the most expensive fligtsim models needs to have all the bits to justify that price tag.
I was looking for an earlier thread where I had posted some screens.
The search function did not throw up your thread either however so I assume it is broken.
Interesting, been out of the FS scene last couple years. Still have some Freeware C-17's, never been happy with the Panels back then. I've worked on C-17 program since '87. Sent Owen Hewitt of FSD back when (years ago) tons of data to help him...never knew what came out of it.
haha!! your panel is just as good. I've been enjoying the free ukmil one for a while.
Interesting, been out of the FS scene last couple years. Still have some Freeware C-17's, never been happy with the Panels back then. I've worked on C-17 program since '87. Sent Owen Hewitt of FSD back when (years ago) tons of data to help him...never knew what came out of it.
FSD did complete a really good C-17 for FS2004.
I seem to remember they packaged a T-38 with a C-17 but it was payware...haven't seen it since.
But did it come with a proper C-17 panel?

The version I had used the B747 default panel. Can't remember wether it used default sounds as well.
Okay - I made a mistake here... It came bundled with the FSD T-38. (Buy one, get one free kinda deal).

Albeit a bit dated, the visual model is still very nice. I installed a different panel, It does use the B747 stock panel right out of the box. The FSD C-17 also uses stock B747 sounds.

The T-38 is very nice too, it has it's own panel which works well and is very functional. The model is so frame rate friendly that it's like slicing through butter with a hot knife. There are a ton of superb repaints as well for both models.
