Alphasim CH-53 re-paints


Charter Member 2012
Anyone know where I can find re-paints for the Alphasim's CH-53? I did searches at the usual suspects...Avsim, Flightsim and Simviation. I even did a Google search to no avail. All I can find are a handful of textures for Rory Kelly's -53.

I'm just looking a for a modern paint scheme of a USMC squadron...I guess gray with some oil and exhaust marks.

Go back to Avsim, Flightsim and Simvation and try different search criteria.

Rather than search using "ch-53" in your search, just look for "Alphasim Sikorsky". I just did at Avsim and found a bunch of CH-53 repaints such as

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]CH-53 Sea Stallion - 6 repaints [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Images related to this file:

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]File Description:
Re-uploaded package of 6 repaints for the Alphasim payware CH-53 Sea Stallion: Sikorsky RH-53D Sea Stallion U.S. Navy AMCM high vis. Sikorsky CH-53 Luftwaffe 1991 Gulf War humanitarian scheme Sikorsky CH-53 Heeresflieger Rescue, Hi vis. 80's scheme Sikorsky CH-53 Heeresflieger camo Sikorsky CH-53 I.A.F. Yas'ur 2000 Sikorsky HH-53C 67th. Aerospace Recovery & Rescue Squadron SEA scheme
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Filename:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]License:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Freeware[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Added:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]11th May 2010[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Downloads:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]2263[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Author:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Repaints by pierre lheureux - Plane by Alphasim[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Size:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]32459kb[/FONT]

Thanks WH! Didn't think about doing it that way. I was a little surprised at the lack of re-paints.
You're welcome. I learned the hard way that these search engines (even Google) do not work as you expect. You have to be very creative in finding the right keywords, and then scroll through the results.
