As we all know so well, we buy and acquire FS aircraft with initial high hopes. But after a while, there are roughly three categories these birds fall into:
- Never again used
- Trotted-out once in a while to check it out for something we possibly missed.
- Used frequently. Part of "My Permanent Stable". A joy to find an excuse to fly it again!
For me, the Caribou, or "The Boo", is near the top of the last category! I'm currently using it to fly around Papua New Guinea (PNG) using Pacific Islands Sims wonderful (and relatively inexpensive) scenery packages.
As stated elsewhere, it's a nice, stable aircraft that's rock-steady on a STOL approach into a grotty little dirt strip that's been hacked out of the jungle. And it clambers *out* of yon same strip with ease and elan.
All in all, it's simply a very enjoyable aircraft to fly, and I'd recommend it to a novice as quickly as to an old veteran of many years' Flight Simming!