Alphasim F-101 Voodoo now on the freeware page!

Yep, that pretty much sums it up.


And the Sikorsky S-55 (Whirlwind to us Brits) - aren't they being nice to us .....

BTW does anybody have any news as to what is happening with the B-52, is it going to be on sale again?
Is Alphasim still pretty open as far as how you use their freeware model? Could I take the Voodoo and convert it to a static model for use in a freeware scenery project?

Regards, Mike Mann

I just took a look at the read me file in the Voodoo package.



These files are freeware. Please amend/distribute as you see fit.

The MDL files must not be back-compiled. This is forbidden under the MicroSoft EULA.

They are unsupported, so please do not e-mail us if you have problems.

Under no circumstances may these files be sold or uploaded to a payware site or any kind of illegal warez site.


The line about MDL files must not be back-compiled is new to their read me files. They used to say the Please amend/distribute as you see fit. I don't know if converting an animated FS9 MDL file to a static FS9 file would be seen as back-compiling or not. Converting the plane to that would be back-compiling and now seems to be a No No.

I think what they are mainly trying to prevent is folks using their original model, de-compile and modify and then sell as a new product.
I do not see any issue at all based on this txt with turning the flyable model into a static AI long as you keep things freeware.

Thanks for looking into this for me OBIO! I think I may have to pass on my idea of using it as a static though; the wording in the copyright seems more restrictive then I remember it from their past releases.

Regards, Mike Mann
Is Alphasim still pretty open as far as how you use their freeware model? Could I take the Voodoo and convert it to a static model for use in a freeware scenery project?

Regards, Mike Mann
Yes. As long as it is freeware. And please include that EULA in your package so the next guy doesn't grab it from your package and add it to his payware package.
Thank you for clarifying that Frank. I posted a thread about the copyright information at FSDeveloper Forums and the opinion was that I would be breaking the Alphasim EULA because turning the model into a static would involve compiling the MDL again.

Regards, Mike Mann
Am I in time warp? The F-101 went freeware a month or two ago.

I have also had the S-55 for a little while too.

Last week I noticed that the F-22 was there too, but I was not sure how long it had been there so I didn't bother reporting it..

The number of US aircraft increased by 2 since last week, so maybe they re-released something. I keep track of the number of files there, but not what they are.

All of the latest files seem to be Virtavia instead of Alphasim.

Yeah, I brain farted on the Voodoo...but I did notice that the page count for the US planes was up by 2. I have no idea what was added to the page....I saw the Voodoo and my brain went "Hey, that's looks like a winner to me!". I should have known better than to listen to my brain.
