Alphasim F-22 Raptor Skins


Charter Member
Does anyone know of any quality repaints for the AS F-22? I have had the model since it came out but have always been bugged by the fact that the textures are just a bit "off" from the real deal. I will make new ones myself if I have to but before I do, I was hoping someone had some better ones than the freeware addons that are currently available from all the major sim sites.
Look for Nellis Raptor by Tom Stovall. Nice repaint. If you can't find it, I can e-mail it to you.


Thanks, I have that one already but it's too dark IMO. It's a good start though. I'm surprised there are not more repaints out there for this model.
Well, I would have had made some "what if" repaints, because Britain, Japan, and to a lesser extent, I won't get into why, Australia wanted them as well. But there was never a paint kit released and the skins for it are all individual. It isn't so bad to squadron markings, but if you truly want to repaint it, especially with the new "metallic" paints they're using, it's going to be a major PITA to repaint.
The way the model is mapped is one of the reasons, I think. It's chopped up into so many little pieces. It makes for very crisp and finely detailed paints, but also makes it a chore to paint.

I was going to make a "what if" JASDF paint for my own use, but I never got round to it for that reason.
Yea, that's kinda why I think there are not more out there as well. Shame too. Well maybe I'll have a go at it, we'll see. It is a major PITA to do a completely new paint without the benefit of a paintkit. But that's what separates the men from the boys I suppose.
About repainting the Alpha Raptor... anytime you make any changes to the aircraft.cfg file by adding newly repainted versions, i.e.: [fltsim.1,2,3]... etc it will disable the working radar that the F-22 has. To the best of my knowledge there is no cure for it either.

Works for me...
I'd actually forgotten I had this bird, it got lost in the C-17 excitement of the moment ;)
When they decided to hang all that stuff on underwing pylons to prove it could bomb, too, the stealth designer must've pooped his pants.
All that hugely expensive work, radar-absorbent paint etc - nullified in a stroke.


It does carry rather a lot of iron around, though!
Just sticking to the thread title...
The screenshot was rotated 90 degrees so it looks a little longer than usual. ;)
I must have a different AS F-22, because mine doesn't come with that loadout, IIRC. Although I wish they had included one with just the two inside tanks, as that is how they deploy.
It made me go back and look at my loadouts. For the included Edwards, Tyndall and Langley textures, each has a clean and a loaded variant. Each of those three loaded variants is slightly different. I believe that is a shot of the Edwards "loaded" version? It's one of the ones, I double checked. I had forgotten about that version as well.
LOL, I think I always flew the Tyndall bird, so I had always just assumed all of the loaded variants were the same. Doh!
Thats the only thing that annoys me with alphasim, the way some planes have one paint to one model. The Intruders for example, I had to mess about in the .cfg to link the schemes with all the model loadouts.
Well there is a nice little instruction readme to explain that you need a different aircraft.cfg file for each model to incorporate the differing flight behaviour for the various loadouts.
I for one am grateful they didn't make 550 variations to cater for every combination.
Here's the tanked one, if you need a clue, this is Florida!
