Alphasim F-8C Crusader, VF-84 replacement textures


Charter Member
Hi all,

Just finishing up on my second repaint of the Alphasim F-8 Crusader. This time I tackled the VF-84 textures that came with the airplane, and have 'repainted' it in the scheme it would have worn while aboard the USS INDEPENDENCE in 1962 (I believe)

I used what photo reference I could find to try and get it right, which included changing the overall colour to gull grey, reworking the flames on the nose, correcting the 'eyeballs', adjusting the width and placement of the yellow and black stripes on the fuselage and tail (the forward one now ends at the airbrake instead of continuing on around the belly), resizing all of the text on the rear fuselage and adding the USS INDEPENDENCE above the NAVY script, resizing the tail number and AG designation, adding the AC number to the top of the fin,...

ya know.. there's more.. LOL... but I'll include a description of the changes in the upload!

A few screenshots....



  • VF-84 3.jpg
    VF-84 3.jpg
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  • VF-84 5.jpg
    VF-84 5.jpg
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  • VF-84 6.jpg
    VF-84 6.jpg
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Just putting the final touches on a little 'extra'

Well, the base VF-84 Crusader textures are done, and well... After finding a profile plate of the CAG's airplane, decided what the heck... a bit of extra work on the base markings, and we have an even MORE colourful option!

So, almost done tweaking this one, and will include a separate folder with the CAG bird markings. So now you have a choice :wiggle:



  • VF-84 CAG.jpg
    VF-84 CAG.jpg
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Geezz, Bearcat... I haven't seen you around these parts for a long while. Nice to see you're still here, :encouragement:


All it takes is the right bait, mate :biggrin-new:...besides, as MS civie sims go, i'm still warming up to FSX and P3D.

Damn i love the Crusader, such a hot-looking jet...:redfire:
Okay... uploaded! hope nI didn't miss anything!

I've uploaded the zip... Added the CAG bird, did some cleanup on some panel line and weathering issues, and added another option for the CAG vertical tail cap. The more you look at your work.. the more you see that you think NEEDS fixing! LOL... If I didn't say okay.. enough.. it would NEVER be done!!!

Hope you like it, and please, let me know if the gray looks 'right' on your monitor. I have NO idea what you guys are looking at, only that with my settings, this looks like the correct colours to me!



  • VF-84 CAG3  white sidewinders.jpg
    VF-84 CAG3 white sidewinders.jpg
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