ALPHASIM Freeware Directory site


Charter Member
Have any of you been over to the Alphasim Freeware website lately? Looks like they purged all of those older model packages for FS9 and FSX, Now all they have listed are paintkits for the recent Virtavia freeware releases. If this is the case then a huge resource for the older models for both sims is a dead pigeon. FYI...

Not sure what's going on there. Have been emailing Phil (the "they" mentioned above) over the past couple weeks. Nothing was mentioned. Hopefully the files had already been added to the collections at the usual places.
Very sad.
I hope the freeware collection is not lost to us FS9'ers.
Thank goodness I have collected all the freeware over the years & have stored them on my library drive.
Sad news! I have all the planes I want from the pre-purged list, but there are newer ones that I was hoping would show up there, FS9 planes I would have happily purchased if only I could control my compulsion to spend all my hobby time fiddling with aircraft and scenery and actually fly once in a while and get my money's worth from payware planes. I am most grateful to AlphaSims/Virtavia for graciously sharing so many of their older products as freeware. (And I have, in fact, actually flown a few of then a few times.)
I emailed Phil about it specifically. His reply...

With the freeware, this is the second time in a few months now that someone has got in and
deleted them all. Last time I changed all the permissions to read-only, but it looks like they somehow
changed them back and did it again. Odd thing is, they only ever delete the aircraft Zips, and not the
Paint Kit Zips, the msi's stay put. I will upload them one more time, if they go again, it's over.

So keep an eye out and if you see them back up grab everything you think you might ever want.
Well Phil's a good ol' boy, and know's us well. How about asking him if we could host them here as well, as a back-up, or at least keep them archived for safe keeping? As they were Alphasim's are they Virtavia's now?

If maybe you could ask Phil, would be good, thanks.


I've asked Phil. Just waiting for a reply. Many of them are already available at the usual download places. Phil has had me upload them in batches over the years.

And Virtavia is just a rebrand for Alphasim since FSX came out about a decade ago.
Thanks for looking into this Frank. I have almost all, but not ALL of the classic Alphasim files.... Still, it would be a good thing if Phil would let SOH host those, even if just for a back-up resource.

I was just over at the Alphasim Freeware site. Looks like it's all there and working. I successfully downloaded and unzipped a couple of files. I'd grab whatever you don't have as it sounds like there are no guarantees the files will be restored if they get deleted again.:running: Kudos to Phil for restoring those files... once again.
