AlphaSim FS9 Sepecat Jaguar ???


Charter Member
A few months ago when the AlphaSim Forum was still alive, one of the most popular tread on this forum was covering a quite advanced
FS9 Sepecat Jaguar developped by a person callsigned "Rémi" !

4 distinct packages were on development :

- Raf Jaguars GR.1 + GR.3 with a complete armement setup
- French Jaguars "A" with detailed specific french armement setup
- Export Jaguars covering all foreing air arms operators including Agave
radar equipped Jaguars of the Indian Air Force
- Twin Seaters T.2 ( Raf ) and E ( French ).

This project was for FS9 ! and only for FS9 and I remember that
"FSX or nothing" flightsimmers were violently insulted of this choice.

If I remember well the screenshots, the RAF Package No.1 was quite
well advanced.

Do you know the faith of this interesting Alphasim project ???

Thanks for any info about it.
Wow !!! :applause:
Thanks for the info DaveWG

This is a very good news indded !
The Jag is one of my favorite.
Please keep us informed of any update !
This is on my "to buy" list for sure. Glad to see it back in the news and on track for release! I have no doubts about FSX portover capability for this new model whatsoever based on the recent A-3 & B-1B updates.