Alphasim Groom Lake scenery package....can't find it any where


Retired SOH Admin
Alphasim Groom Lake scenery package....can't find it any where

I had it, lost it, have been looking for it. I found the rest of the freeware AS scenery on Simviation, but the Groom Lake package is not there. It's not on (I looked, couldn't find it) and AVsim...well, half the time what I go there after is not working.

Anyone know where I can find the AS Groom Lake package? That is my favorite testing ground for jets.

Or...what is the best frame-rate friendly..yet detailed...Groom Lake/Area 51 package out with some AI traffic would be nice.

You don't want it. It will cause your computer to crash when you try to load up any other scenery in that area.
Not the AS one, but a freeware one I found over at FlightSim and did up an AFCAD & AI myself for in FS 1954. It doesn't match up well with my mesh, but it works out quite well. I've even got "Janet" DC-4s flying shuttles from Mccarin Field in Las Vegas.
Not the AS one, but a freeware one I found over at FlightSim and did up an AFCAD & AI myself for in FS 1954. It doesn't match up well with my mesh, but it works out quite well. I've even got "Janet" DC-4s flying shuttles from Mccarin Field in Las Vegas.
Klingons off the port bow cap'n Willy :bump:

I think I still have my original source files for this scenery (AS Groom Lake) OBIO in a "dark and gloomy place" on my HDD. If you still want it PM me with your email address and I'll send it. I don't think it's too big. Alternatively if you're on Skype I could send it that way.

Edit: In fact I've just found all of them and since I am the author if Ickie wants I could up load them to SOH.
I think I still have my original source files for this scenery (AS Groom Lake) OBIO in a "dark and gloomy place" on my HDD. If you still want it PM me with your email address and I'll send it. I don't think it's too big. Alternatively if you're on Skype I could send it that way.

Edit: In fact I've just found all of them and since I am the author if Ickie wants I could up load them to SOH.

that would be awesome as i am also looking for this scenery .
I have looked everywhere for it - no luck. I've tried emailing alphasim and asking if they can direct me to where I might purchase/download it, but I was told they no longer sell it or support it - no help.

Area 51 is one of my favorite topics, and I would love to have a payware version of this scenery. If I find it anywhere, I'll let you know.