Alphasim Payware Typhoon


Charter Member
I was wondering if I could some help in regards to the payware Alphasim Typhoon. I purchased the aircraft about a month ago and have had some problems with the aircraft. In of one models, there is no VC, and at least 3 aircraft don't deploy the drag chute then the F2 button is pressed. I contacted Alphasim about the problem, to which they replied that no one has ever contacted them about this problem. This is the only Alphasim plane I have a problem with. I also have the Alphasim B-1B, CF-105, F-101B, F-111, and the BAC TSR.2, all of which work fine. Any :help: with this problem would be great :jump:
. . . . . .I contacted Alphasim about the problem, to which they replied that no one has ever contacted them about this problem. . . .
That seems to be their standard reply when someone has a problem, any wonder they have a poor customer service rep from a lot of folks? So what if you've never had any complaints about that particular problem, tell the customer you'll look into it and get back with them ASAP. When you become too busy to help a customer, it's time for the customer to find someone who will.

I hope you find a quick resolution RL. Have you tried uninstalling completely and then reinstalling from scratch to see if possibly something went south during the initial installation process?
I have had the current Alphasim Eurofighter Typhoon since the day it was originally released and and have never had a problem such as you have described. My suggestion would be to re-download the product from the Alphasim store and try installing it again. If your downloads are used up, email them for a download reset.
I have had the current Alphasim Eurofighter Typhoon since the day it was originally released and and have never had a problem such as you have described. My suggestion would be to re-download the product from the Alphasim store and try installing it again. If your downloads are used up, email them for a download reset.


The few times I've ever had to contact them (usually it was over a download code that wasn't working properly), I've always had prompt service.

Most of my technical issues were resolved in their forums. I understand that following their new "format", they've done away with the forums, but I also believe a "shado" forum was set up by some of the hard-core military aircraft fans. I don't have the link at the moment - someone may have it - but that would be another place to try, assuming the re-download scenario doesn't work.

'Hope that helps!

I have a problem with my AlphaSim Typhoon also (just finished running a test on each one). One of the German two-seater's has no chute. And both of the loaded RAF two-seaters have no chute and one of them also has no VC. So I will e-mail AlphaSim and see what their responce is. Usually they are very good.
The unoffical forum for AlphaSim is at
Thanks for the suggestions

Thanks for all the suggestions. This is the most response I got to my problem on all the forums I have posted this problem on, I guess this is where all the smart flightsimers hang out:woot:. As far as re-downloading and installing, been there, done that. I have re-downloaded the aircraft the maximum 3 times, and the problem exists. And to ibl19108 (hope I got your handle right). You are having the same problems with the same models as I am. I could be wrong, but something tells me the model files for those planes are messed up. What confused me about the download in general is that there was only 1 texture set for all the aircraft, not a seperate set for the RAF, German, Spain, and Italian models. And to ibl19108, could you please post what your response was from Alphasim, I would like to see if they say they have heard of this problem before.
Falcon, thanks for the generalisations. Helps everyone get along.

Chaps with the chute problems- I don't know why it wasn't mentioned by whoever dealt with support but the chances are that the models topped the poly count for FS9. I wouldn't say you are doing anything wrong, nor that there is something wrong with the model. I'd suggest it's exactly as it should be.

Though as for no VC's, that is an issue and should be bought to Phil's attention. I don't see anything that the end user could be doing to make the VC's disappear, unless it's to do with Viewpoints in the cfg. That said, the models haven't been touched in years (?) now so if it were a general issue, it would've been widely known by now.

With regards to paints, that can't be changed. The original author of the models chose to build his textures in that way. Though there is only a single (or few, I can't remember) texture folders, each variant does have unique texture names, therefore should be easy to single out.


EDIT- Just for the record, try here if you have difficulties not getting the answer you want via email ->
EDIT 2- Just saw the note about the unofficial boards. Please don't expect tech support there any more than you would from a forum like this one.
Falcon, thanks for the generalisations. Helps everyone get along.
Well, actually Dan, that wasn't a generalization. . .that response from AS has been seen in this and other forums before, so if you don't know who it was in support that dealt with the original request for assistance, maybe you should check and bring them up to speed, maybe have them throw that one customer support response card away that says. . ."We've never had anyone complain about that problem before" and add one that says, "We're sorry that you're having that problem, let me check it out and get back with you as soon as possible, thanks for bringing it to our attention."
Hey Falc,

Hey no hard feelings, I didn't mean it in anything other than Brit jest ;)

That said, I do feel it is a generalisation. Out of the 30 or so tech support mails I had to deal with via the site last week, how many weren't answered or were answered impolitely? I dare say, none. It is that way every week, too.

Unfortunately it's the one reply out of every 1000 that is made by someone in the wrong mindset that allows people to go on forums to complain.. and we come full circle.

I know exactly who would have made the tech response and unfortunately, I've got no sway. Let's just say that if it's not me that responds, it'll be Phil.. :faint:

Not that I have any sway anyway!
Just a quick note ref the problem, once you have downloaded a zip from the internet firtst thing I do is check the properties of the zip and make sure that the file is unblocked. this sometimes causes the problems you have been experiencing.
