AlphaSims FS9 P-47D Question


In an attempt to get motivated to start my winter project of recreating my post-WW2 sim, "FS 1954: A Half-Century of Flight," I've been painting some Air Guard F-47 Thunderbolts using the Alpha Simulations P-47D. (Yes, I'll share them when they're finished.) While checking them out in the sim I found that I can't close the cowl flaps. The standard FS9 key combination doesn't work (it works for other planes) and the cowl flaps don't seem to be linked to any of the other standard animation key commands that I could think of.

Can anyone tell me how to close the cowl flaps on the Alpha P-47D?
That aircraft is strange, the cowl flaps work on mine but if I press the (/) key the program crashes.
Unfortunately they don't work. If you look closely you'll see that the black interior/shadow inside is solid and comes to the edge of the cowl. Strange, as although it would have been a bit of extra work, considering the very nice 2d and VC cockpits, very little in comparison.


In an attempt to get motivated to start my winter project of recreating my post-WW2 sim, "FS 1954: A Half-Century of Flight," I've been painting some Air Guard F-47 Thunderbolts using the Alpha Simulations P-47D. (Yes, I'll share them when they're finished.) While checking them out in the sim I found that I can't close the cowl flaps. The standard FS9 key combination doesn't work (it works for other planes) and the cowl flaps don't seem to be linked to any of the other standard animation key commands that I could think of.

Can anyone tell me how to close the cowl flaps on the Alpha P-47D?

Looking forward seeing your work ! :ernaehrung004:


Thanks for the replies. :ernaehrung004: I guess I'll just have to live without working cowl flaps.

Hmmm... Maybe I should start over and paint Gnoopy's P-47M instead. We'll see about that...
I'm no expert on this, but from the way light reflects on the dynamic shine, I'm guessing the main cowl and its flaps are one piece with no moving parts. Combine that with the shadow model with windows that shine through the bottom of the plane and the stores activated by the light switch, and I'd say you're better off with Tom's (Gnoopy's) model.