After a PM from someone concerning an old Lago Aircraft. . .I started looking for my favorite from that Company/Era. . .the AMX. I flew it in the one and only Lago Tiger Meet to be organized (I don't think there was ever a 2nd Annual event). Surprisingly in 2.5+, aside from looking dated in the VC, the AMX was up to the challenge once more. I flew it around the Pensacola area for awhile and while it was great to get back into that cockpit, what amazed me was that flying at around 400kts less than 300' above the deck, nothing was out of focus on the ground. Trees, buildings, ground textures, shadows. . .all sharp. No hiccups, no stuttering. . .nothing. . .just a smooth ride, as real as it gets. Thanks LM/P3D there's nothing else that can touch it, IMHO.