Am I playing Campaign missions correctly?



Hello all,

I can see there is A LOT of built up emotion (and building by some threads here...:ichile:) right now with the pending release of OFF3. I hope there is still interest in talking about OFF2, because I'm just enjoying it for the first time in preparation for BHAH.

After warming up with Quick Missions, I've flown just a few campaign missions over the lines, but haven't found any NME aircraft, and even little to no archie to make it interesting. I have the "radar" on at 4 - 8 NM while cruising, and no boogies on that either. Now, I tend to ignore orders to fly patrols at such-and-such altitude, so we crossed the lines at 6000 - 8000 ft. in our N17's (gawds! Did they really loose wings that easily?), but the skies were clear.

Am I missing something??? Is it because I just started playing this campaign that the game is going "easy" on the newbie cannon fodder??? Were we too high to see any low flying A/C even on the "radar", or too low to see high boogies???

Don't get me wrong, missions with no action are a nice departure from the expectations of encounters EVERYTIME at waypoint 5 in some sims, but that said, it takes a good while to complete a mission with no warp, and the terrain isn't all that engaging after an hour. Know what I mean?

Not complaining, heaven forbid, just trying to find the baseline of expectation. I have very little flying time when at home as real life gets in the way with a young family, and I plan not to be wearing my scotch as the other poster described:caked:...

When you fly Campaign - do you get a variety of jobs? Like "Reconnaissance", "Patrol", "Scramble" etc.? Cause, otherwise something would be wrong.

Now, if you get a flight, you can choose "optional flight", until you get a flight time/distance, that suits you (Allied are mostly longer, Germans close to the front 30 - 40 min).

You should fly the assigned route (more or less - sometimes I go round airfields to avoid AA), as the game would generate your opponents there. If you always fly elsewere - no wonder you don't meet anyone.

One last point: Campaigns go often wrong on PC's not running in English (USA) language settings. So, when you are French, Dutch, German, Swedish, whatever, you should go to "Regional language settings" and put all on "English (USA)". Only then, Campaigns will go right.
And don't forget to change it back after playing.

Have fun; Olham
oh by the way. is this english-european-metric system-quarterpounder-royal with cheese-thing still necessary in p3
I don't think there is anything wrong. I've only encountered enemy a/c on less than 1/2 my campaign missions. I've gone 4-5 missions without seeing enemy a/c. Depends on the mission and timing. I often select an alternate mission if the one offered is too long, my thinking is that it is somewhat unrealistic to fly 60-80 miles to patrol an area that already has several other airbases in it. Don't be too anxious to engage, the enemy a/c I've encountered to date will more than likely outnumber you, my worst was 7 to 1 and I just barely escaped by diving to the deck and landing in an open field on my side of the front just before the engine quit. I saw the fuel draining out and just hoped I could put her down before the crumpets finished me off.
Thanks much gents!

Forgot to mention I was running XP in gaelic :monkies:

Just wanted to make sure I'm on the right bearing before I invest too much time with Ser. Marcel Doutie of the Escadrille Lafayette.

Trust me, I've been hitting optional mission till I get the shortest one!

Good to know that the Campaigns are actually tailored to the real strategy of the opponents, ie: Germans flew mostly on their side, etc. Means I'll have to revive my entente persona, Baron von Heimlich (Schotzi!).
also never forget that the date and area that you are operating in/from will heavily affect the amount of action that you see
VENATOR: I'll have to revive my entente persona, Baron von Heimlich

Yes, resurrect him. Flying the German side is a pleasure rather.
1. All your planes have 2 guns (in words: two) (well, except the E III)...
2. ...and carry more ammo mostly!
3. Much shorter way to the action
4. Planes are more solid (well, except the E III)
5. Several planes seem to have advantage at their time

To point 5:
- Albatros D II in 1916 had only to fear the SPAD
- Albatros D Va had 1.100 rounds of ammo
- Dr.I is extremely manoeuverable
- D VII is the most dangerous allround performance fighter round here

So, vatt iz zere to ssink about - sign here, vee can uze every good man to clear ze skies from ze crumpet menace. Mmmuahahahaaa!!!
Firstly, I'm amazed that campaign even functions in gaelic
Theoretically the computer must think in English (USA, UK, South Africa)

Please forget the MISSIONS catagory even exists, it was included by mistake. It's purpose was In-Game aircraft testing by the Developers

Quick Flight and Campaign, are the only two places you were intended to fly ....they're way enough

Seeing as all activity centers around the life of the Pilot. If your pilot enlisted in April, 1916 chances are excellent, you'll fly many missions without seeing a soul. Because there wasn't all that much, air war in 1916.
However: If he enlisted in March 1918, you'll see more action than you want.

Advise for Beginners: If you don't want to spend all your time enlisting pilots ( you'll kill quite a few)
In WORKSHOP ( controls for game operation )
Right Side . . Outcomes . . EASY

And Do read the STICKY OFF Tips & Cheats . . Lots of useful info

With the settings available to you. . OFF Phase 2 can be an ARCADE SHOOTER. . or One Hell of a challange :kilroy:
I'll go for "one hell of a challenge" please!!! Flying 95% realism currently (only auto mixture), with random AI setting.

BTW, was joking about the gaelic...
Also, in P2, flying in the Alsace-Lorrain or Vosges region there is very light air activity. Flying for the Lafayette Esc. that'st where you are. Also, as in real life, the mission distances are very long there but the scenery is magnificent. So, it doesn't sound like you have anything wrong. just a lack of air activity. If you want more activity, choose the region around Arras such as Jasta 2 and 11.
CPIRRMANN wrote: Flying for the Lafayette Esc. that's where you are.

Yeah, right. Or against them. I've enlisted in JaSta 2, September 1916, Bertincourt. Earliest date for an Albatros D II, as far as I know. And so, yes, we regularly have some "Lafayettes" for breakfast. (But, to be honest, they have done the same with my "Blue-Max-Pilot" over Douai).
Did I ever mention: I-LOVE-THIS-GAME! Boy!!!

Try a different squad or date.

Don't forget we do not have every squadron ever in OFF yet (gawd) or every plane type, so some places may be scarce of enemy depending on the date etc. Simply try somewhere else or another date.
OK, will do! Thanks for all the feedback gentlemen.

Hope to meet you in the skies, someday.
oh by the way. is this english-european-metric system-quarterpounder-royal with cheese-thing still necessary in p3

I order a cheese quarterpounder in the USA, Ditto in the UK, and far as I know in South Africa

Actually the problem with the royal with cheese, is punctuation
Sooo until somebody from Europe writes the program, you're stuck with the quarterpounder :kilroy: