I may be old fashioned, but I feel if I use my hard earned to purchase a flightsim addon, then I am entitled to support if I experience problems. I've had 3 occasions recently where support was needed; in one case, Razbam, the problem was speedily rectified; in the other two cases I received (a frankly quite rude) answer to my support request & an incredulous post in their "support" forum - the other company just never bothered responding at all.
Over the years I've had help from many people, often above & beyond what I would have expected; my thanks to the guys at Ron & Larry at Razbam, to Bazzar, to David & Karen (from the DSB days onwards), to the guys at Justflight, to Jesse (he was always helpful to me) for unceasing & consistent quality customer service. :salute: The rest of you, THAT is the level to aspire to, not fob us off & then expect us to come running back wallet in hand when you have your latest release.
Over the years I've had help from many people, often above & beyond what I would have expected; my thanks to the guys at Ron & Larry at Razbam, to Bazzar, to David & Karen (from the DSB days onwards), to the guys at Justflight, to Jesse (he was always helpful to me) for unceasing & consistent quality customer service. :salute: The rest of you, THAT is the level to aspire to, not fob us off & then expect us to come running back wallet in hand when you have your latest release.