U UK_Widowmaker Guest Feb 27, 2009 #1 Just found the German Noseart folder!...Some nice bit's to put on my Skins!...ta very much!:woot:
O Olham54 The Bordeaux-Red Baron Feb 27, 2009 #2 Yas, yas, vee Dshermans are great artistz! (I've come across that too, but forgot, were it was - somewere in CFS3?)
Yas, yas, vee Dshermans are great artistz! (I've come across that too, but forgot, were it was - somewere in CFS3?)
U UK_Widowmaker Guest Feb 27, 2009 #3 Nah... It's in the OFF directory and the folders is called UIRES (there is German, British and American)
Nah... It's in the OFF directory and the folders is called UIRES (there is German, British and American)