Ambulance Questions...




I have a couple fo questions I need answered about my American Ambulance:
1. did WWII ambulances have sirens? Did they sound like modern sirens?

2.Can I have sounds start/stop and loop by hitting a key on the keyboard? The siren will get annoying if it is constant, i think.

3.Any sugestions? At all?

Just for the record, I'm incorperating feedback from my last truck into this one.

I expect it to be out next week, but I make no promises.

Oh yeah, well I'm here my friend managed to buy a copy of CFS. I'll recomend her to the Outhouse...
I believe they dide have sirens that were basically an electric motor than spun up an armature that made slow undulating wails. To hear them some modern day fire houses like their heritage and have some working sirens on some old apparatus to listen to. The movie Patton also has a scene early on with a good long siren and is probably very close to what they sound like.
Todays sirens are electronic and make a variety of sounds-not at all like back then. Hope that helps.


~S~ M & aeromed202,

"New in town sailor?"

He is right to a point. Sirens were usually hand cranked. That gave it the undulation. Some were attached near a wheel and when a line was pulled the drive wheel of the siren contacted the wheel and turned it. I am not sure if you have air raid sirens in Canada or if they sound like the ones around here, but that is basicly the sound. Here the blow it at noon and when a tornato is spotted. Not that I could here it from where I live. 7.5 miles from the neerest town. The first time I heard a modern siren, I thought it was a UFO.

You may find that sound in a Stuka file. They attached the siren to the plane and when they went into a dive, it scared the poop out of the enemy. I have heard it in CFS, but turned it off, because it made me poop. I thought it was an extra loud stall warning device.

You can if you use it as a flap or landing gear sound.


Nice!!! I'll see what I can do. Thanks.
PS. I think we do have air raid sirens around here. At least we used to... Apparently about 20 years ago one went off by accident near CFB North Bay (The air base near where we used to live). THAT must have caused som panic, although it was before my time...:isadizzy:
I remember hearing the sirens once, during the Cuba missiles crisis!

My parents and I were in the kitchen. I told them that I loved them and closed my eyes shut for about one minute or so. Living on the 3th floor of a city dwelling house, I was convinced that the brick and plaster walls would not stop the blast of THE bomb.

Then, listening to the radio, we learned that it was only an exercise. :censored: the stupid :censored: who gave the order before informing the population! He should have been hanged to the nearest pole, and not necessarily by the neck!

I was about ten at the time, but the memory of that instant will follow me to the grave, with the look of powerlessness my father gave me as I was talking to him.

I became a pacifist that day...:kilroy:

On a more mondane note, try this link HERE ... and its free:d!!!
wow.. Thanks for That link, I'll check it out after too.:applause:
Years ago as a young Policeman we had in the Police Station a device that made a clicking noise, it was supposed to be on all the time as it was an early warning device for nuclear attack!
We turned the wretched thing off as the constant drove you made. If a warning was comming through it made a warbling sound. I heard it during an exercise and it was very strange.
I asked my Sergeant what I did if it went off he said
"Well what ever you like really, I think you've got about four minutes!"